U.S. Army Banner Recruits Arabs to Hunt Arabs


Creature of culture, Bucky Turco sent along this U.S. Army banner and noted its edgy but odd message. The banner reads, "Use Your Arabic to Help Build Your Future." Of course, innocently, that just means, "hey, one who speaks Arabic, consider joining the Army." Not so innocently, it might mean, "Hey one who speaks Arabic, consider joining the Army and let us use your language skills to hunt down and kill those Arab fuckers." Take your pick but we're sure both notions passed through the minds of those behind this recruitment effort. See the full banner here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-11-06    
Topic: Bad, Creative Commentary, Online

Nike Film Series Leads Up to Football World Cup


To promote the 2006 Football (soccer) World Cup, Nike has launched a campaign called Play Beautiful which consists of eight serialized videos, the first showing a ficticious cause group, headed by real-life, legendary footballer Eric Cantona, taking over a television station to deliver the group's message of encouragement. In the first video, Cantona says "we've let liars and cheaters make a fool of the game" and that he is here to "remind the world that this game is about skill, heart, honor, joy, team spirit." He urges us to make the game beautiful again. As football-clueless Americans, we never would have know the game had a problem in the first place so we'll take his word for it.

Future videos will also feature Cantona along with other current footballers. The video was produced by Wieden & Kennedy and F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, who handle work for Nike in Brazil, created the site.

by Steve Hall    Feb-11-06    
Topic: Brands, Online, Viral

ad:tech Launches Ten City, One Day Online Marketing Conferences


ad:tech, which hosts three major national online marketing conferences, is launching a new conference series called IMPACT, a ten city, one day show kicking off February, 28 in Seattle then moving on to Phoenix, LA, Dallas, Atlanta, Denver, Boston, Toronto, Cincinnati and ending with Fort Lauderdale April, 6. The shows, as does the three big shows, will focus on all thing online marketing from planning to buying to analytics to search engine marketing to campaign optimization to ad formats to blogging to consumer generated media to behavioral marketing.

The day's events will consist of keynotes, separate tracks with sessions of differing topics, presentations from service providers/vendors, mini expo session where attendees can explore exhibitor offerings and an ad:tech Connect LIVE! Session, an interactive Q & A jam session. We'll be attending the Seattle and Boston events.

by Steve Hall    Feb-11-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Mobile/Wireless, Online, Podcast, RSS, Tools, Weblogs

American Legacy Foundation Does In-Location Marketing


Taking advantage of this generation's mad text messaging, LocaModa has launched technology that takes all that social blather and slaps it up on a screen for all to see. Of course, LocaMode describes it more verbosely calling it the world's first in-location blogging platform for what it calls "The Web Outside" which enables in-location messaging, social networking and blogging along with entertainment applications for use in out of home networks cafes, bars, clubs and other public places. This technology, StreetMessenger, coupled with something called Wifiti (cute) which LocaModa lovingly refers to as "wireless graffiti," takes all this communal socialization and displays in on a large flat panel display at the location and also onto the web for others to vicariously experience whatever's going on at the location.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-11-06    
Topic: Events, Good, Mobile/Wireless, Trends and Culture, Weblogs

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Cubicle Cooties Puts Cubicle Germs in Spotlight


Pharmca, maker of all manner of anti-germ serums is promoting its line of germ killers with a microsite called Cubicle Cooties. The site explains the nastiness that lives within your cube as well as neighboring nastiness and how all that nastiness can be prevented by using one of five Pharmca germ-killing agents. The site's got pictures, a store locater, an image upload thingy where you can upload images of your "favorite cubicle cootie fighting efforts," a form to turn your disgustingly germ-infested cube mates in to your boss and, oh yes, a send to a friend feature.

by Steve Hall    Feb-10-06    
Topic: Online

'Black' Launched WIth Microsite Game And Stealth-Like Tactics


To promote the new, first person shooter EA game, Black, Freestyle has launched My Black Valentine. Stereotypical connotations of the word "black" and "shoot" aside, the microsite helps those who are without love during Valentine's day get their anger out by shooting things. It's simple enough, fun for a few minutes and you can send it to a friend which, by current definition, makes it a viral. At least that's what Freestyle says.

more »

by Steve Hall    Feb-10-06    
Topic: Games, Guerilla, Online, Opinion, Viral

Some Editing Converts Coffee Cups Into Self Esteem Message


While self-esteem isn't exactly the sort of thing one seeks when buying a cup of Seattle's Best coffee but, as Not Only But Also points out, the stupid legal message on coffee cups explaining to morons that coffee is, well, hot, also, with a bit of editing, delivers the nice, self-esteem building statement, "you are extremely hot." Just call this some inconsequential trivia for your next caffeine-fueled creative concepting session. See the before and after here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-10-06    
Topic: Packaging, Strange

Sean John Wants You to be Unforgivable


These new posters shot by Bucky Turco for Diddy/P. Diddy/Sean Combs/Sean John or whatever the hell he calls himself promoting his fragrance "Unforgiveable" are just that. Who exactly aspires to become the multi-chained, tongue-wagging, multi-female bedding man portrayed in this ad. Oh wait. Sorry. Every guy does. Carry on.

by Steve Hall    Feb-10-06    
Topic: Bad, Celebrity, Outdoor, Poster

Time Inc. to Launch Frat Boy Humor Site 'Office Pirates'


The Wall Street Journal reports Time Inc. has plans to launch a Web site called Office Pirates in the next few weeks which will target young male's hoping to make up for poor ad-page performance at the company's men's titles. The idea behind Office Pirates is to rebirth an era "that once allowed Wall Street's bawdy and frat-boy humor to spread quickly among financial institutions."

No one at Time Inc is talking about the site and former Maxim magazine editor Mark Golin who is behind Office Pirates has refused requests for interview hoping, as the Wall Street Journal surmises, the site takes on a non-promotional "fucked company"-like aura and grows organically. The Sports Illustrated sales team is said to handle ad sales for the site which is hoping for sponsorship sales rather than banner sales.

by Steve Hall    Feb-10-06    
Topic: Online, Publishing

Levi's 'Denim Monsters' Come to Life


Back in June 2005, we wrote about a Levi's promotion which placed "Denim Monster" artistic structures in San Francisco's Union Square. At the time, they were, apparently, static structures that didn't move. Now, it seems, a video has surfaced showing these "Denim Monsters" now move about causing double-takes as the creature walks down the sidewalk. We don't know if this is a recent development ot not but we like it a lot.

by Steve Hall    Feb-10-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Strange