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Burger King, Brooke Burke Viral Adds Video


So we've all seen those images of the Burger King with Brooke Burke Crispin Porter + Bogusky thrust upon us a while ago. Now, there's videos. There's a video of the King and Burke riding up the seashore Planet of the Apes-style and another of the two laying together catching some sun and taking a walk.

by Steve Hall    Jan-20-06    
Topic: Viral

3D Ad Technology Used to Create Stripping Model


Like any inventive new technology, it doesn't take long before the invention is put to use for sex-related purposes. Back in October, 2005, Lexus used 3D video technology to project a moving image of its new model inside a storefront in Times Square. Now, according to The Spunker, a fashion store in Copenhagen Berlin is using the technology to project a very life-like image of a model stripping in the window-front. Hasn't anyone launched iPorn yet? Oh, yea. They have.

by Steve Hall    Jan-20-06    
Topic: Good, Point of Purchase, Tools

Dice Makes Job Search Fun


It takes a lot to amuse us but this game promoting job site dice.com did the trick. It's the classic "your boss sucks" game where you get to take out your aggression following a bosses cocky, buzz-word laden tirade. Don't miss the pizza launcher in the Project manager's office.

by Steve Hall    Jan-20-06    
Topic: Games, Good, Online

The Girl Likes The Stick


Either this woman thinks this guy isn't packing enough to make it worth her while or she really, really likes his car. You decide. Watch.

by Steve Hall    Jan-20-06    
Topic: Strange

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Coke, Fox, 'Sporting News' Launch 'Best Damn Guide to Football'


Sporting News and Fox Sports Net have teamed to create the "Best Damn Guide to Football," a guide to all things football, sponsored by Coca-Cola North America's Full Throttle Energy Drink. Starting this week, three million copies of the 12-page, 4x6-inch guide will be distributed for free at convenience stores across the country when customers purchase Full Throttle. The booklet features short items and articles that range from Super Bowl history to best player nicknames, tailgating recipes and advice for throwing an "estrogen-free" Super Bowl Party.

The "Best Damn Sports Show Period" hosts ­Chris Rose, John Salley, Rodney Peete and Rob Dibble ­also share their opinions about the most important football facts, as well as the hottest cheerleaders. The guide will also be inserted in Sporting News magazine's February 3rd Super Bowl preview issue, hitting newsstands on January 25th.

by Steve Hall    Jan-20-06    
Topic: Magazine, Promotions, Specialty, Super Bowl 2006

Starcom Founder to Head Review of Starcom-Held Miller Account


We've had the pleasure of working for Bob Brennan but when we learned he would be co-presiding over the $300 million Miller media account review, currently handled by Starcom which Bob Brennan founded and has since left, we couldn't help feeling a bit odd about the whole thing.

It seems to us an account review manage by someone who founded an agency involved in the pitch is about as unbiased as a parent judging their own kid in a ice skating competition. Miller says the review is just part of their normal "best practices policy" but as far as we know, best practices doesn't include nepotism.

by Steve Hall    Jan-20-06    
Topic: Agencies, Bad, Opinion, Strange

Another Sex-With-Hamburger Ad Found


Not quite the same as the McDonald's sexually-laced I'd Hit It advertising banner but equally suggestive is this poster for African burger chain Steers which reads, "Take Home The Big Daddy" found on World Unfurled.

by Steve Hall    Jan-20-06    
Topic: Poster, Strange

Adrants Contender in 'Battle of the Ad Blogs'


It's always a welcome bit of ego-stroking when one finds oneself worthy of consideration. Adrants has been named a contender in AdLand's Battle of the Ad Blogs in the Best Commercial Ad Blog category. We're joined in that category by some other very fine ad blogs including Adhurl, AdJab, AdFreak, MarketingVOX, The Spunker and Fast Company. We're honored to be among such a fine collection of fellow advertising opinionites.

Other categories in the Battle include Best Non English Language Ad Blog, Best Ad-Porn Blog (lots of ad images, not porn images), Best General Ad Commentary, Best Ad Commentary Not From The United States, Best Ad Agency Ad Blog, Best Planner/Teorist Blog, Best School Ad Blog, Best Design Discussion Blog, Best Typography Blog, Best Marketing Blog, Best PR Blog, Best Viral Blog, Best Inspiration Blog, Best Online/Interactive Blog and Best Topical Blog. So go check out all the blogs and give a shout out to your favorite ones.

by Steve Hall    Jan-20-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Weblogs

Adrants Forced to Accept Questionable 'Pherotones' Ad


We in the editorial department of Adrants are saddened to note our advertising department has, against our better judgment, decided to accept an ad promoting the much-maligned Pherotones campaign from McKinney-Silver. While we understand advertising supports this site and, generally, makes the world go 'round, our pompous rantings at the doorway of our sales director were brushed off with a quick "go pointlessly bitch about another lame viral campaign. They pay for your ass, you idiot!" Our ego bruised, it is with our utmost apologies, dear readers, that we subject you to the hypocrisy Adrants has thrust upon you.

by Steve Hall    Jan-19-06    
Topic: Announcements, Viral, Worst

Wanted: Jagger On Inflatable Penis During Super Bowl Half-Time


Commenting on the initial requirement that the Super Bowl Rolling Stones half-time show crowd would have to be under 45, well under the age of ever Rolling Stone member, and the subsequent lifting of that requirement, BL Ochman hopes the Rolling Stone give the NFL its "19th nervous breakdown," and bring on some bad ass rock and roll. We, with our "screw political correctness" attitude and desire to see some network execs bust a blood vessel, tend to agree. It's not known what the Stones plan to perform during half-time but here's hoping the lameness of past pseudo-pop, hip-hop, over-produced, poorly lip synched shows are put to shame. Ochman hopes Jagger rides out on "a huge inflatable penis while singing 'Sympathy for the Devil' or singing the anti-Bush 'Sweet Neo Con' off the latest album."

by Steve Hall    Jan-19-06    
Topic: Super Bowl 2006

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