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GAP Launches Dressing Room Viral


The GAP has created a site, called "Watch Me Change," on which visitors can play dress up and dress down with virtual models whose body size, facial features and clothing can be customized to suit an individuals taste. The model then does a little strip tease, goes in the the changing room and emerges, dressed as the chosen clothing. Of course, it has the whole send to a friend thing so we guess we have to call it a viral of sorts. It's mildly entertaining.

by Steve Hall    Jul-22-05    
Topic: Viral

Sub-Zero Launches Microsite For Massive Refrigerator


To explain a list of features more intricate than those found within a nuclear submarine, refrigerator maker Sub-Zero has launched a microsite displaying things inside its new, 800 pound PRO 48 you never new a refrigerator needed. From LED lights that illuminate food to retracting crisper lids to slide out food drawers that can double as oven pans, the only thing missing from this fridge is a built in garbage disposal that automatically eliminates food past its expiration date.

by Steve Hall    Jul-22-05    
Topic: Online

Technology Could Kill the Media Buy/Sell Relationship

With the increasing automation of the media buy/sell relationship, there has been a shift towards forcing a square peg in a round whole when it comes to a buyer gleaning information from a media seller for consideration as part of a media program. It's only natural to try to streamline the process but when it eliminates viable media properties, simply because the media property can't fit its (very worthy) square peg sell into the buyer's myopic, square buy hole, that's a very bad thing. And, seemingly, it's all done, not without merit, just to get all potential media vehicles on the same proverbial playing field so the buyer can then compare them using the same set of metrics. Well, an apple isn't an orange and it never will be but apples and oranges are both, still, food worthy of consumption.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-22-05    
Topic: Agencies, Opinion, Publishing

Ogilvy PR VP Needs Liver Transpant


Ogilvy PR Worldwide VP Shari Kurzok, 31, who is getting married in two months needs a liver transplant in the next few days or she will die. Last weekend, she was admitted to New York University Medical Center and, within 24 hours, was told she needed the transplant. If you can help with a liver transplant referral, call 877-223-3386 or email liverforalife@yahoo.com. Potential donors must be blood Type A or Type O.

by Steve Hall    Jul-22-05    
Topic: Agencies

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Billboard Begs Lindsay Lohan to Call Radio Station


Minneapolis radio station KDWB has placed a billboard asking Lindsay Lohan to call into the "Dave Ryan in the Morning" show, apparently, because she is in the area filming the Robert Altman film, "A Prairie Home Companion." It seems morning man Dave wants a piece of Lohan just like Altman got here. Image courtesy of Flicker user uberculture.

by Steve Hall    Jul-21-05    
Topic: Celebrity, Outdoor, Radio

Australian Brewer Launches 'Freaking Huge Big Ad'


Australian brewer Carlton Draught, a division of Foster's, has created and amazingly different, brilliantly funny beer ad, called "It's A Big Ad," that, while poking fun at the beer ad category, and advertising in general, gets its message across quite effectively. If anything, it gets points for just being different.

The ad was filmed in New Zealand and produced in Australia by Plaza Films. Sydney-based Animal Logic, the company that worked on the Matrix movies, did the special effects. The agency was George Patterson Partners.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-21-05    
Topic: Commercials

GAP Gives Joss Stone Bigger Butt in Commercial

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Just as producers did for a poster promoting Kelly Clarkson's movie, "From Justin to Kelly," the GAP has decided Joss Stone's butt wasn't big enough and edited big butt doubles into her recent GAP commercial. Stone took it all in stride, telling the SUN, "Apparently, I need a J-Lo bum or something."

by Steve Hall    Jul-21-05    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials

Urban Concepts Launch Party to Feature Faith Evans


Tonight, US Concepts, an event marketing agency, is launching it's new division, Urban Concepts, a group comprised of urban marketing specialists, an influencer network and event promotion, viral/buzz and street team services. Faith Evans will be performing at an event, limited to 100 clients, friends and family, to toast the new venture taking the concept of the mini-concert to the another level.

by Steve Hall    Jul-21-05    
Topic: Agencies

Hummer Ad Aligned With London Bombings


Adrants reader Patrick Bennet ponders the oddity of a Hummer ad placed in conjunction with CNN London bombing stories, writing, "Am I the only one who can't help but notice the irony in the fact that every time I want to watch a video on the CNN website about the latest bombing in London, or deaths in Iraq, or terrorists in general there is a Hummer ad preceding the story?

It's as though Hummer wants to make sure they tie their oil dependency inducing vehicles as closely as possible to the results of that kind of thing.

Am I the only one noticing this? If you were Hummer, is this where you would put your ads? Before stories of terror and mideast instability?"

Either Hummer has intentionally planned this through contextual keywords or it's just an unfortunate side effect of the contextual advertising concept. Of course, Patrick might be one of the few people seeing this placement, having been previously identified, via cookies and behavioral targeting through the likes of Tacoda, as having exhibited car buying behavior elsewhere on the web.

by Steve Hall    Jul-21-05    
Topic: Online

Grand Theft Billboard Goes Up As Game Pulled


One day before Rockstar announced it would alter Grand Theft Auto San Andreas to an AO (Adult only) rating, this big ass outdoor board appeared in Union Square. On Wednesday, Rockstar announced it was ceasing production of the current version of the game because a hack was found that unlocked hard core sex scenes within the game. While it certainly takes plenty of lead time to get a board of this magnitude up, one does wonder about the timing of it all.

Ever-present Bucky Turco thinks the whole thing is just a bunch of needless wind, telling Adrants, "To me, this whole hot coffee hack/modification was blown so out of proportion. Yes you could hack the PC version and there is some pornographic material, however the console game, although it too has leftover material, it way harder to hack, and that's the one that is most sold not the PC version. Who the hell plays GTA on a computer?"

View another image of the board here.

by Steve Hall    Jul-21-05    
Topic: Outdoor

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