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Listen Up Lindsay Lohan And The Hollywood Anti-Boob Squad


Dear Lindsay,

We just saw your movie, Herbie: Fully Loaded. You know what? It was great! It really was. Congratulations. It was entertaining. It made us feel for Herbie. And for you. We cheered. We laughed. And, it did the original justice. Best of all, you looked great. Really great. So, to all those buffoons and gossipists who obsessed over Disney supposedly digitally reducing a certain part of your body but wouldn't be caught dead in a G rated Disney flick to confirm the myth, we say, "Go see the movie people! There's more Lohan jiggling in Herbie than in all her other movies combined." And get this. The movie was so good, the six year old we refer to as daughter who watched the movie with us didn't even ask, "Daddy, why does her chest keep moving?"

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by Steve Hall    Jul- 2-05    
Topic: Celebrity

Agency Pays Homless People to Promote Itself


While it's been by other companies for other purposes, GoGORILLA Media, a New York based guerrilla marketing firm, has been employing homeless people in an effort to promote its services to advertising agencies. Several homeless men and women have been spotted outside New York advertising agencies holding a hand-scribbled sign which explains their plight. Right next to the sign is a box full of GoGORILLA brochures. While one would wish there to be no homeless people in the world, one hopes, for GoGORRILLA's reputation, these sign holders really are homeless and not paid interns made to look homeless.

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by Steve Hall    Jul- 1-05    
Topic: Guerilla

Vespa Launches Customer-Written Weblog


Back in May, we reported PR firm CooperKatz would be launching two customer-written weblogs designed to encourage Americans to take up scootering. Steve Rubel of CooperKatz tell us the first of the two blogs, Vespaway, has launched today and will be written by two Vespa customers, Jonathon Ogilvy (hmm...) and Neil Barton. The two will not be paid following the theory if someone really likes something, they're happy to tell others without compensation. Ogilvy explained the mentality to Business Week's Heather Green saying, "Why else would I do this without getting paid, if it weren't something I completely believe in? I think the world would be a better place if everyone rode a Vespa."

The next Vespa blog will feature two women, one who is a new customer and one who's used a Vespa for a long time.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 1-05    
Topic: Weblogs

OJ Guilty of Containing Sugar


While a decade late on milking the event as a joke, some marketer of canned liquid thought it would be funny to riff on the OJ verdict relating it to their drinks apparent lack of sugar whereas OJ (the drink) is guilty of being high in sugar.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 1-05    
Topic: Outdoor

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Yet Another Golden Palace Forehead Ad Claimed PR Stunt


Analyzing the images and offering some theory, Adland suggest the latest eBay/Forehead ad is just a Golden Palace publicity stunt. Adland claims the tattoo is nothing but a sticker and that all Golden Palace is attempting to achieve here is free publicity. Aside from the fact that, well, that's what this is all about, reportedly, a Utah woman, Kari Smith placed a bid on eBay which Golden Palace won for $10,000. Smith plans to use the money to send her son, Brady, to private school. Well, with the increasing insanity of increasing school tuition, maybe, stunt or not, this might be a good thing. Unless, of course, Smith was simply paid the money by Golden Palace in a clandestine agreement for publicity. The again, if she actually gets the money and sends her son to school, that's really not a bad thing.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 1-05    

New Media Planning and Buying Site Launches

Tig Tillinghast, publisher of MarketingVOX, has, today, launched MediaBuyerPlanner, a website dedicated to all things media. The site is segmented into topical areas such as Television, Print, Radio, Direct, Interactive and Outdoor. Feature stories are highlighted then categorized into the major segments as well as into over 50 micro-segments for those with very specific media interests.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 1-05    

Time Inc. Gaffiti Board Completed

Graffiti Pic_FINAL.jpg

Over the past four weeks, graffiti artist Cope2 has been busy bombing a billboard with tags for Time, Inc. the board is now complete and the red Time Magazine border has been placed on the board with the words, "Post-Modernism? Neo-Expressionism? Just Vandalism? Time. Know why." A URL points to a Time archive containing coverage of graffiti.

Our ever-informed intellect tells us Time is considering auctioning the final billboard, in full or in parts, to benefit a non-profit. Check out some press shots of Cope2 with the billboard here.

by Steve Hall    Jun-30-05    
Topic: Outdoor

m.et al. Creative Goes Virtual, Launches Website


Because we know the founder and can confidently tell you she does great work, we're going to point you to the recently launched website for m.et al. The agency is "virtually" integrated pulling together expertise from former agency execs who've done the time, won the awards and now want to offer marketers the same expertise but with a more personalized approach. Oh yes, we can hear you all snickering now, "We've heard that whole low overhead, 'personal service' thing before." It's different, though, when you know the people in the shop and can, without hesitation, recommend them as an agency to consider.

by Steve Hall    Jun-30-05    
Topic: Agencies

'Wedding Crashers' Promoted With 'Trailer Crashers'


New Line Cinema, like every other movie distributor has a website promoting its upcoming movies. But, for the release of its Owen Wilson/Vince Vaughn comedy, Wedding Crashers, New Line has added a twist and created a section of the movie's website where visitors can "crash" the movie trailer. Visitors who enter their name, a friend's name and their head shots will appear atop the bodies of their characters in a "re-cut" version of three minute online trailer. Once the "re-cut" trailer has been completed, people will want it to be seen so, of course, they'll send it out to their friends. It's a very simple, yet ingenious way to get the movie's site spread virally.

by Steve Hall    Jun-30-05    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Viral

Levi's 'Monsters' Spotted in San Francisco


Adrants reader Nick Mathisen informs us Levi's has placed several "Denim Monsters," jeans placed in odd, artistic configurations, in Union Square in San Francisco. Not a bad way to sell jeans. See full images here and on Nick's blog.

by Steve Hall    Jun-29-05    
Topic: Outdoor

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