« Last week 8-May-05 | This archive, pg:  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  | Next week 22-May-05 »

Blogging Jumps Shark, Becomes Trucker Hat


Following the recent whirlwind of blog hype including Nick Denton's love affair with the New York Times, his pie to the face at the Radar Magazine party, the launch of Blogebrity, Jason Calacanis' three million micro-blogs, a sudden explosion of branded character blogs and "all marketers should blog" blog conferences, it's now official. Rick Bruner and I, today, declare blogging to have gone the way of the trucker hat. In celebration of this sacred event, May 20, 2005, you can pick up your memorial, Nick Denton Trucker Hat over at Cafe Press.

by Steve Hall    May-20-05    
Topic: Weblogs

Hottie Gets $11K in eBay Body Ad Auction


eBay human ad auctions strike again but this time, it's worth looking at. Twenty one year old college student Courtney Van Dunk from New Jersey closed on an eBay auction yesterday that promised to place a sponsors temporary tattoos on her abdomen while she's out and about strutting her hotness for drooling by passers to ogle. While the $11,300 offer was retracted and her site pulled by eBay because she linked to other sites featuring her, Van Dunk says the offer is still open and has placed another auction on eBay. Golden Palace? Or maybe she'd wear the Adrants logo for a few days?

One picture is never enough.

by Steve Hall    May-20-05    
Topic: Human

Budweiser Taps JibJab For Online Promotional Content


Anheuser-Busch has hired JibJab Media, creators of the animated video clip "This Land is Your Land," to craft online ads for the brewer. The two brother team, Gregg and Evan Spiridellis, will create web-based content designed to drive viewers to the Budweiser website. The duo have already created a clip, called, "Roll Out the Barrel," which hopes to combat the rising preference for spirits over beer among younger drinkers.

by Steve Hall    May-20-05    
Topic: Promotions

Paris Hilton Promotes Jeff Bridges Hunger Organization


Famous-for-nothing heiress Paris Hilton has been put to use again, this time, for a worthy cause, EndHunger, the Jeff Bridges, Hollywood celebrity cause whose mission is "to create and support media projects, programs and events to raise awareness and generate action to end childhood hunger." Because of the statement, "This site has been neither viewed nor approved by any parties mentioned or implicated herein," we assume this is an ad hoc, un-official viral effort created, simply, as a good will effort to raise awareness of the issue...or, to win the Contagious Media competition. We wonder, though, how excited Jeff Bridges would be knowing images of panty-challenged Paris were being used to promote his cause. See the promotion here.

by Steve Hall    May-20-05    
Topic: Viral

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Burger King Hires Darth Vader For Viral


We've been viraled! Received directly from the source, comes this Crispin Porter + Bogusky-created viral, called Sith Sense, for Burger King which invites visitors to pick an object then pose 20 questions to Darth Vader who will then guess what you are holding. It's always right, too. We were even welcomed personally with Darth uttering "Adrants." Quite cool. Thanks, CP + B.

UPDATE: In comments, Rick Bruner points out we're not so special. It speaks everyone's name that is entered into the send a friend feature. Oh well. For a moment there we thought we were special.

by Steve Hall    May-20-05    
Topic: Viral

FAA: No Advertising In Space

Hoping to protect outer space from becoming just another ad filled medium - and you know it will without regulation - the Federal Aviation Administration made a proposal yesterday to amend its regulations in order to insure it would be able to regulate advertising in space. Apparently, a huge billboard placed in space could appear as large as the moon and be readable without a telescope. We guess Golden Palace is out of luck on this one. Thanks John.

by Steve Hall    May-20-05    
Topic: Outdoor

Wendy's Viral Celebrates the Square


AdPulp points to the latest viral thingamajig, this time, from Wendy's. In the clip, the little square guy hangs with a bunch of round guys helping them do stuff and wonders why all the circles are following him. Um ,yes, we get it. Square hamburgers are better than round ones. Television commercial are said to air next week.

UPDATE: Apparently, for some reason, the site has been taken down. It's up again.

by Steve Hall    May-20-05    

Marketer Launches One Second Commercial

Catering to the ever dwindling attention span and capitalizing on its name, One Second breath freshener has placed a once second commercial during every commercial break on every TV station in Belgium yesterday. The ad shows a woman placing the gel on her tongue followed, quickly, of course, by a shot of the product. Other versions of the ad are set to launch in France, the U.K. and the Netherlands. The ad was created by Antwerp-based Duval Guillaume.

by Steve Hall    May-20-05    
Topic: Commercials

Deutsch Continues to Hemorage Clients

This week's account loss for Deutsch is Monster.com who told the agency it no longer required or desired its creative services and will move them to an undisclosed location. Yes, folks, the Donny candle is, sadly, dimming. That Speedo. The separation. All those other clients who bailed. What's next? Donny looks to Donald Trump for a job on "Apprentice 4"?

by Steve Hall    May-20-05    
Topic: Agencies

OMG! New Blog Magazine to Launch!


We are like so too tired to even begin talking about this...

Or this.

Of course we can't complain about being branded an A-Lister.

by Steve Hall    May-20-05    
Topic: Weblogs

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