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School Ad Project Causes Columbine-Like Lock Down


A thirty inch burrito, created by Clovis New Mexico eight grade student Michael Morrissey as part of an extra-credit assignment to create advertising for a product, was mistook by someone for a weapon causing a school lock down complete with street closings, armed police on building rooftops and freaked out parents. It wasn't until two hours after the pandemonium began when Marshall Junior High Principal Diana Russell gathered students and parents in the school auditorium to explain the mishap that everyone could laugh at the insanity of the whole event.

"The police saw it and everyone just started laughing. It was a laughter of relief," Morrissey said. "Oh, and I have a new nickname now. It's Burrito Boy."

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-05    
Topic: Strange

Search Optimizer Really Does Get Marketers On Top

We Want You On Top

While we had great fun highlighting the SEO Inc. booth babes at the San Francisco AD:TECH conference this week, a recent press release reminds us that, wait, SEO Inc. doesn't just hire hot booth babes wearing tight t-shirts emblazoned with "Wanna Be On Top?", they actually provide the tools to help climb right on up. The company has introduced the Medallion Partner Program, a search engine optimization service agencies can resell to their clients so they, too, can enjoy the fruits of top search engine placement.

According to the press release, the program offers ad agencies, web developers and marketing firms search engine optimization services which can be resold to their clients. CEO CEO explained, "Unlike other programs, which simply provide referrals or loose affiliations, the Medallion Partner Program is designed to be a significant and reoccurring revenue stream for our partners (the agencies, developers and marketing firms)and exceptional SEO services for their customers (the clients). Meanwhile, it will allow us as a company to create alliances with qualified and effective partners to market our services to their top clients."

While we wrote earlier upon seeing the booth babe "Wanna Be On Top" slogan and, dutifully, resisted the urge to reply, "Well, of course we do," we don't feel so bad saying that now that what SEO has to offer appears to be a nice way for agencies to get their clients on top (of search engines, silly) and make a little money while doing so.

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-05    
Topic: Online

New Law Cracks Down On Illegal Billboards

A new law, signed yesterday by New York Mayor Bloomberg, now enables the city to enforce restrictions upon more than 1,000 illegally placed outdoor billboards across the city. Previous laws contained loopoles that allowed boards to skirt restrictions. Building Commissioner Patricia Lancaster says she now has the power to take action on the thousand illegal boards. Board owners have been given until July 1 to comply with the new law and properly register their billboards.

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-05    
Topic: Outdoor

Law Firm Promotes With Ice Cream

An Orlando law firm has taken an unusual approach with its advertising campaign and has, instead of the usual legal imagery, used images of ice cream in its ads. The print ad contains the image of five single scoop ice cream cones following by a cone with three scoops and the tagline, "Expect more from your law firm." It's not your normal, staid, scales of justice ad campaign. The campaign was created by Orlando-based Graceful Designs. The ad has yet to be passed through the strict guidelines of the Florida Bar Association.
by Steve Hall    Apr-29-05    
Topic: Campaigns

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Richard Branson Gives Away Yahoo Ads

Yahoo and Richard Branson have teamed to offer one million ads to the winner of a Think Big contest. Any business can submit a 500 word essay making their case. One lucky winner will be chosen and given one million ads across Yahoo network properties.

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-05    
Topic: Promotions

Diago Promotes Smirnoff ICE With Quirky Russian Characters


Yesterday, Diageo announced the launch of a new ad campaign for Smirnoff ICE and Smirnoff Twisted V, starring a guy named Uri and his friend Gorb, both of whom have horrible imitation Russian accents. The snore-inducing press release claims the two "use their street smarts and unique cultural perspective to cut through the clutter encountered in daily life." Oddly, the campaign itself is not all that snore-inducing. See the commercials after the jump.

more »

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-05    
Topic: Commercials, Creative Commentary

Cookie Dance: Deleted, Not Deleted, Deleted

Dueling it out recently over the how many consumers delete cookies form their computers on a regular basis, Jupiter said lots do it. Nielsen said lots do it. Atlas, an ad serving company, said, wait, not so many do. Jupiter's Nate Elliott brings to our attention that, after seeing the Atlas report "the industry sighed a relief, went to AD:TECH and had a beer" only to realize Atlas had updated their figures to agree with Jupiter's early figures which claimed a fairly high degree of cookie deletion. One Atlas metric even claimed more cookie deletion than Jupiter did. Jupiter Lead Analyst Eric Peterson has the details here. Everyone should just forget about cookies and keep an eye on this company.

by Steve Hall    Apr-28-05    
Topic: Research

Massachusetts Bill Would Legislate Word of Mouth Marketing

Democratic State Representative Michal E. Festa has introduced a bill which, if passed, would require children under 16 to obtain permission from their parents before becoming part of word of mouth campaign or network such as Boston-based BzzAgent.

BzzAgent spokeswoman Kelly Hulme told the Boston Globe the company's current business model mirrors Festa's goal, saying, "The way that our model works, it's not asking people to go out and talk to strangers. It's asking people to share their opinions with their friends. It's not like trying to sell a product. We notify parents (of kids under 16). We send them a separate letter telling them 'Your teens have decided to participate in this program.'" While that really amounts to obtaining permission after the fact, Hulme indicated the BzzAgent would work with lawmakers to create legislation protecting children.

by Steve Hall    Apr-28-05    
Topic: Word of Mouth

Air Tahiti Launches Entrancing Promotional Website

Beginning with cosmopolitan line drawings of New York City which then wisk you away, first by taxi, then by airplane, to the lush Polynesian tropics of Tahiti, Air Tahiti, beginning service from New York July 9th, envelopes you with a new, very engaging microsite. After the long intro, which, of course, you can skip but won't really want to as it leads you deeper into tropical vacation paradise, the site, created by Saatchi & Saatchi, provides information on the culture, exquisitely beautiful photos of the destination and vacation packages. The experience is beautifully executed and compels you to mentally linger, dreaming up your perfect vacation.

UPDATE: Gawker covers the launch party in NYC.

by Steve Hall    Apr-28-05    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Online

TalentZoo Files Suit Against WorkZoo

Advertising industry recruitment and career firm TalentZoo has filed suit against WorkZoo for trademark infringement. Both are job site. While TalentZoo focuses specifically on the advertising industry, WorkZoo covers many industries. The suit centers around the word, "Zoo." TalentZoo claims it is the only and first recruitment and job search firm to have incorporated the word into its trademark.

by Steve Hall    Apr-28-05    
Topic: Policy

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