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Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen Sue Acclaim For Bungled Marketing

Don't Mess With Us

On the eve of their 18th birthday and the release of their feature film, "New York Minute," Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have filed suit against Acclaim Entertainment for $500,000 claiming the company has not fulfilled its obligation to develop and market video games featuring the Olsens. In fact, the suit states Acclaim has damaged the Olsen brand, "run it into the ground," and not paid all royalties.

As the girls, now worth $150 million each, grow up, they aren't taking any crap. Nor should they. With a brand as valuable as theirs, you can't blame them for protecting it. Once the Olsens get past this lawsuit and the opening of their film, the two will bgin their Freshman year at New York University.

And just for fun, here's a song by the The Fresh on the twins turning 18.

by Steve Hall    Apr-24-04    

Joanna Levesque the Next Big Thing

Jojo In New Video, 'Leave'

Justin over at ThatsJustNotRight has a nice write up about up and comer Joanna Levesque or Jojo as she's known. Jojo is from Adrants' home state and less than 30 miles from our posh suburban offices. Justin mentions his surprise over realizing that Jojo is just 13. After you view her video, you will marvel as well. She is talented even if it's in that "tough white girl" sort of way. Better catch her now while she's still innocent and hope she doesn't become clothing-challenged Jojo the Gogo dancer.

About her new video, "Leave," she says, "The video takes place in a school and basically the camera ... is the boyfriend, so I'm basically telling off the camera. It's very colorful, and there's a lot of Boston references like Fenway High 'cause, you know, I'm from Boston, so I had to represent. ... It's kind of declaring your independence, girl power."

Jojo grew up in Foxboro Massachusetts, home of Gillette Stadium and the New England Patriots. But life for Jojo was far from glamorous, "We were the lower-income people [in our neighborhood]," she said. "Everyone lived in nice houses, and we lived in a one-bedroom apartment, and we had the tiniest bathroom ever imaginable to man." That could all change with the June release of her new self-titled album. You can help by voting for her on TRL.

Now, if I could just convince her to write a theme song for Adrants. It's only 30 miles. Anyway, watch her video here.

by Steve Hall    Apr-23-04    

Build Your Own McDonald's Brand

Whether an authentic site for McDonald's franchisees to buy banners or just a fun toy for us to play with is no matter, this little banner generation tool lets you make a banner that says anything you want, add various McDonald's logos and select products to promote. It was too tempting to leave alone. Thanks to MonkeySpan for pointing this one out.

by Steve Hall    Apr-23-04    

Consumers Threaten Clairol With Boycott If Omarosa Appears in Ads

In what has to be some of the worst brand management in recent history, Clairol is toying with the idea of placing Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth, the deceitful "The Apprentice" contestant, in some of their Herbal Essence commercials. Surely, it's a bid to capitalize on her 15 minutes of fame but one that could go sour as consumers threaten to boycott Clairol products if the company makes this brainless move.

by Steve Hall    Apr-22-04    

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There's An Ad in Your Pocket

As the camera pans in on a dude dancing in a club, then pans to the inside of his pocket, we realize there's a lot going in this New Zealander's pocket. What we see inside his pocket amounts to a humorous snuff film for Panasonic's new D-snap digi-cam. The clip ends asking, "Would your pocket like a D-snap?" Viewers can click off to a site, play some games and win a free D-snap.

by Steve Hall    Apr-22-04    

B to B Marketers Not Happy With Their Ad Agencies

Something's amiss with the business to business client/agency relationship claims a news study from GfK Custom Research. Among 209 C-level executive in B to B companies, only 11 percent plan to retain their current marketing firm without a review. Further 47 percent have planned a review and 42 percent will do so in the next six months. The key reasons for this, according to 42 percent of survey respondents, is that their agency "failed to demonstrate an understanding of their business."

One explanation for this dramatically negative view among C-level execs of their company's agency is the trend towards top management becoming less and less involved with the ad agency and delegating the management of the relationship to lower ranks. This has resulted in a disconnect between management and agency leading to "disenchantment" according to HSR Agency CEO Rick Segal.

Segal also says agencies don't do enough work to get inside their client's businesses and their client's customers. It's very easy to create an ad for a valve manufacturer and place it in Contractor Magazine. It's entirely another thing to craft a marketing communications plan that contains a closed-loop program which maintains contact and measures the involvement of the potential customer from first brand contact to final sale.

by Steve Hall    Apr-22-04    

Product Placement OK With Consumers

A recent Mediaedge:cia study claims 60 percent of consumers would consider a product they had seen in a product placement in either a movie or on TV. While the study found traditional televison advertising is still more effective in terms of brand recall and purchase intent, product placement boosted brand recognition by 40 to 100 percent. Younger demos expect to see product placements integrated into content and are more likely to buy a "placed" brand than older demos.

by Steve Hall    Apr-22-04    

Adrants Goes to AD:Tech in San Francisco

From May 24 to May 26, Adrants will be in San Francisco covering AD:Tech, a new media and online marketing trade show, for both this website and for MarketingVOX. News will be provided in near real-time as a team of webloggers will be sitting in each of the sessions at the trade show. For the kind of coverage you can expect, look at the AD:Tech Blog from the November show in New York City.

Since Adrants is a shoe string operation and San Francisco hotels aren't cheap, a proposal is offered. For any interested company that pays Adrants' hotel bill, that company will receive free advertising and gracious promotion on this site and/or in the Adrants Daily newsletter equal to amount of the bill (or parts of if multiple companies step forward).

So there's the offer. It's either a brilliant win/win or it's just another website begging for money. You decide. If interested, send an email to steve AT adrants DOT com. Much appreciation.

by Steve Hall    Apr-21-04    

Man In Chevrolet Dealer Car Shoots Ford Dealer Blimp

As a remote controlled blimp advertising Salisbury North Carolina-based Cloninger Ford-Toyota floated in a field above competing Team Chevrolet-Cadillac-Geo, a man got out of a black Chevrolet truck with Team Chevrolet plates, pulled out a shotgun and fired at the blimp. He then got back into the truck and left. Salisbury police do not yet know the identity of the man.

It's one thing for Claria to lay an ad on top of another with their nasty pop ups but it's an entirely different thing to take a shotgun to a blimp ad. Funny, though. But not so much if you've worked with car dealers before.

by Steve Hall    Apr-21-04    

The Weather Channel Introduces Addressable Advertising

During its upfront ad sales presentation in New York Tuesday, The Weather Channel announced the implementation of what it calls addressable advertising. The cable channel will offer advertisers the ability to slot different creative at the same time based on geography, time zone or the weather. While this is a nice first step, its really just taking advantage of existing local cable technology that allows for zoned placement of advertising. A true step towards addressable advertising would be targeting a home, neighborhood or town based on a demographic profile suplied to the cable company by the subscriber.

by Steve Hall    Apr-21-04    

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