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Outdoor Company Refuses PETA's Fat Kid Billboard

Showing a pudgy-faced kid about to scarf down a hamburger, with the tagline "Feeding Kids Meat Is Child Abuse. Fight the Fat," and steering motorists to GoVeg.com, PETA�s new billboard won�t be giving Jefferson City, MO residents food for thought anytime soon. The area�s outdoor-advertising company, Lamar Outdoor Advertising, has refused to display the ad. PETA claims the consumption of meat and other animal products has been linked to diabetes, obesity, and a host of other life-threatening diseases.

One wonders what the Atkins diet guy thinks about this.

by Steve Hall    Nov-22-03    

Selling Tile, Not Bras

Courtesy of our friends at AdLand, comes this unique approach to selling tile. The company, Artistic Tile, is a New York based premium tile manufacturer that, upon a review of their web site, does not seem the type of company that would put an ad like this out. Do we smell spoof?

by Steve Hall    Nov-22-03    

A Christmas Story With A Special Delivery

Over the years there have been many versions of the story of the birth of Jesus. This is one version you have certainly never seen nor ever imagined you ever would see. In this ad, the audience is shocked and horrified at the directors vision of the nativity scene. In reality, it's actually quite comical. Work was done by Saatchi and Saatchi in London.

by Steve Hall    Nov-21-03    

Adbumb Rants About Adrants' AD:Tech Adbumb Rant

The Adspyre Crew Kicks Back at the Adbumb Party

Adrants is now officially infamous having been mentioned in an article by Adspyre's Tia Fix in this week's Adbumb newsletter. Reporting on the AD:Tech trade show, I wrote a little story, called Adbumb Booth Babes Beg For Attendance, commenting on the attention-getting AdBumb women promoting their business and handing out invites to their AD:Tech after-party. Tia didn't like my wording of the headline all that much asking, "What does begging for attendance mean? Is this a pun? Begging? Were we really begging? How does setting up a booth and a table and handing out literature set ourselves apart from all the other exhibitors." Fair enough. Every exhibitor, in order to set themselves apart from others, needs to attract attention in one way or another and Adbumb did a great job of that.

Reacting further to my article, Tia added, "The point being that sexually lewd content, or suggestive titles, have always caught the public's attention. It's a trick that's as old as the trade. I personally feel the efforts of the Adbumb/Adspyre staff went above and beyond those briefly mentioned in various blogs, and the overall marketing impact of the company and our services was phenomenal."

Yes and yes. Yes, being sexually lewd and suggestive is all about what I do when I write headlines for Adrants mostly because it's fun and I don't have an editor telling me I can't. And yes, Adbumb did achieve marketing brilliance with their presence at the show and sponsorship of the official AD:Tech Party. Not a sole in attendance could have missed the Adbumb booth.

And yes, my headline was a pun. A play on words. I can't help myself, Tia. It's too much fun. It's all good. We're all friends.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-03    

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Remington Promotes Trim and Shape Bikini Trimmer in New Ad Campaign

In her MediaPost Out to Launch column this week, Amy Corr reviews several new ad campaigns including an intriguing one from Remington. This campaign promotes Remington's Trim & Shape Bikini Trimmer with scratch cards handed out to commuters in New York and with ads in Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Jane and Fitness. The cards and ads direct consumers to a microsite offering trimming tips and a chance to win a free trimmer.

Other campaigns this week include the NFL Network which features NFL Total Access host Rich Eisen hanging with players, referees and cheerleaders; a new campaign from Expedia.com; Verizon's James Earl Jones appears in a TV campaign with oversized props to convey the sizeable features on Verizon's website; Wrangler promotes its Professional Bull Rider jeans and shirts; a trade champion from the Newspaper National Network asks advertisers to shift money from TV or magazines to newspaper; and DVC eXperiential Marketing has created a 18-city, 24-mall sampling tour for Campell's Select.

UPDATE: Bitter Bitch of The Bitch Girls digs deep into the promotion and gives her evalutation.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-03    

Playboy Offers Britney Spears Seven Figures to Pose Nude

Playboy, desperate to reconnect with an entire generation of men it lost over the years to a new crop of men's magazines, has reportedly offered Britney Spears a seven figure deal to appear in the aging men's magazine. Neither side is either confirming or denying the report.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-03    

Paris Hilton Thanks Michael Jackson For Being A Child Molester

Right about now, Paris Hilton is jumping for joy that Michael Jackson and his child molestation scandal has bumped her sex scandal from the front pages. All the media have shifted their attention to the palefaced one. Separately, CBS has cancelled the Michael Jackson special it had scheduled for next week but secretly is banging its head against the wall knowing that, if the special did run, it would be one of CBS's most highly rated shows. Also, in light of her sex tape scandal, there are conflicting reports as to whether Paris Hilton will appear on the David Letterman show next week to promote her upcoming reality series, "The Simple Life."

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-03    

Following Paris Hilton, Christina Aguilera May Be Next Sex Tape Star

Now that the world has seen Paris Hilton in her famously compromising position, we may now have the chance to see Christina Aguilera in an equally compromising position. Apprently, there's a Christina Aguilera Sex Tape. This, according to Ryan at Gorilla Mask. Ryan says, "GorillaMask inside sources are reporting there's allegedly a similar sex tape of my baby, Christina Aguilera, which may be released in the coming months or even weeks. And apparently I'm not in it. I'm horny and sad. Anyway, if this is for real, you can bet your ass I'll be one of the first to get my hands on that one as well."

OK, so rumors are a dime a dozen but if they come true, it's nice to have been the first person to say it. Or the second in my case.

by Steve Hall    Nov-19-03    

Maxim Publisher Goes Insane, Sells Magazine to Build England's Largest Forest

Felix Dennis Walks in the Woods

In an interview with 60 Minutes II correspondent Bob Simon, Maxim Publisher Felix Dennis reveals he has no idea what he's worth, he gives much of his money to relatives and friends, says GQ is for men who like sox more than sex and he has plans to sell Dennis Publishing to build a 50,000 acre forest in England.

Do people with money start out this crazy or does the money make them crazy? I really would like to know what makes people like this tick. OK, so giving money to relatives and building a forest isn't completely insane but it is a little odd.

by Steve Hall    Nov-19-03    

KFC Gets Its Chicken Choked

The FTC has called KFC's bluff and is responding to complaints that the chicken chain's latest batch of ads, which basically attempt to pass the food off as healthy, are deceptive. The ads claimed KFC fried chicken has less fat and fewer calories than Burger King's Whopper explaining to Americans, as if a bunch of unintelligent idiots, that fried chicken could be part of a healthy lifestyle. Smartly, KFC has pulled the ads claiming they did so "for brand protection reasons." What they really meant to say was, "Yes, these ads make us look really retarded and the Americn public stupid so we are pulling them."

by Steve Hall    Nov-19-03    

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