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Cigarettes Don't Cause Fires, People Do

Philip Morris has settled a law suit surrounding a baby who was severly burned because her mother, 11 years ago, stepped out of her car, leaving baby and cigarrette behind. The car caught fire and 21 month old Shannon Moore was badly burned.

This, of course, is horrible news but this is also analogous to people who sue McDonalds because coffee is hot and fast food makes them fat. Cigarette companies are despicable entities and they do kill people with their product but not because they set fires to babys in cars.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 3-03    

Girl Offers Crotch For Free Virgin Mobile Airtime

Here. Now Can I Have My Minutes?

In yet another hilarious U.K. ad for Virgin Mobile, a very bendable gymnastics babe flits about a Virgin Records store offering up a certain desirous body part hoping to lure an unsuspecting clerk into giving her free airtime for her Virgin Mobile phone.

As the spot ends, the announcer reveals a much simpler means to getting the free airtime. Thanks to Viralmeister for the link.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 3-03    

U.K Tailor Lutwyche Bespoke Launches Racy Viral Video

Eating. Slapping. Fornicating. Obey The Suit

To the musical bed Carl Orf's Carmina Buranaof , a headless suit mysteriously interacts with several people in a new viral video promoting U.K. based tailor Lutwyche Bespoke. In the video, called Obey The Suit, a man, whose face is never shown, first takes a bite out of a man's sandwich, then slaps the ass of an unsuspecting woman using the copy machine and finally gives another woman a backrub as she sits at a conference room table then lets her hair down and finally has his way with her on the table. Each time, the three react with a smile as soon as they see the suit.

Racy as it sounds, the message is clear. The authority of Lutwyche Bespoke suits is to be respected and appreciated. The video, developed by St. Lukes, has been viewed 35,000 times since its launch early this week and is now being considered for use on television.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 3-03    

Hollywood Honchos Discuss Brand Integration

Richard Horgan writes a piece (CORRECTED URL) in Filstew.com about how Hollywood muscle works with advertisers to achieve brand integration through product placement and other methods. The piece centers on a panel discussion that occurred during Digital Hollywood, a three-day technology conference held in Los Angeles this week. The four panel members - Mitchell Kanner (IEG), Sandy Climan (Entertainment Media Ventures), Michael Nyman (Bragman, Nyman, Cafarelli), Devery Holmes (Norm Marshall Associates) and Irwin Gotlieb (Group M) - seem to understand what's happening in terms of the shift from traditional :30 advertising to a method that firmly embeds the creative message within the content of the medium.

It's heartening to see these discussions taking place yet disheartening to know that most ad agencies don't see where this is going. There is much talk surrounding the "death of the :30" which may be a bit overblown but it is not far from the truth. The means by which marketers communicate with consumers will change dramatically over the next ten years. If agencies do not quickly become part of that conversation, they may not be part of the marketing process much longer.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 3-03    

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Home Depot to Sponsor Reality Show 'Merge'

Lisa Rinna

With integrated product placement and traditional :30 advertising, Home Depot has made an agreement with Lifetime to sponsor its new reality series, "Merge." The hour long show will follow a couple as they move in together and merge their belongings. The series will premiere Friday at 8PM then settle into its regular time slot at 11P on Fridays. Lisa Rinna of soap opera and "Melrose Place" fame will host.

Here's hoping this is not another Nick and Jessica disaster.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 3-03    

Chivas Regal, Johnnie Walker Launch New Ad Campaigns

Scotch Hopes For Comback

Bailing on recent efforts, Chivas Regal and Johnnie Walker are back with new ad campaigns. The new campaign have shifted away from selling the scotch category to promoting the individual scotch brands. Sales of scotch have been in decline but there are signs of an upswing and the two marketers hope to capitalize on that.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 3-03    

Four Boobs Against Genetic Engineering

There's Only So Much I Can Give

Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment (MAdGE) launched a billboard campaign in Auckland that shows a four-breasted woman hooked up to a GE branded milking machine. The campaign calls attention to the practice of genetically engineering cows to deliver more and different kinds of milk.

"New Zealanders are allowing a handful of corporate scientists and ill-informed politicians to make decisions on the ethics of GE. Our largest science company, AgResearch, is currently putting human genes into cows in the hope of creating new designer milks. The ethics of such experiments have not even been discussed by the wider public. How far will we allow them to go? Where is the line in the sand? Why is the government lifting the moratorium on GE when we have not even had a public debate on ethics?" said Alannah Currie Madge founder and billboard designer. Thanks to Adland for the link. View larger image here.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 2-03    

New York Magazine Launches Elizabeth Spiers' The Kicker

New York Magazine's New Weblog

Today marks the ascent of Elizabeth Spiers into the world of corporate blogging. OK, it's not as bad as it sounds. Really, it's a good thing. Spiers, formerly editor and voice of snark for New York's Gawker - a "mix of media, gossip, entertainment, fashion, and real estate snippets", has launched The Kicker, a weblog for New York Magazine. The Kicker will deliver "news and commentary about the people, trends, and events that define New York culture."

On this first day, Spiers is already taking about culturally important items such as Tina Brown on turning blond for TV, Paper Magazine's single minded reliance on Chloe Sevigny for content, the demise of parties at Details Magazine and why she left Gawker for The Kicker: office supplies and Lexis-Nexis.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 2-03    

Ben Affleck Sucks Face For L'Oreal

That Hooker Meant Nothing

Whether they are together, split or secretly married, Jen may not want to watch Ben in this U.K commercial for L'Oreal Elvive Vita Max shampoo. In the spot, BenLo puts on his typical "aw shucks" smug face and says, "This is a very dangerous job...for my hair" while he commences take after take of facial suckage with a J-Lo look-alike.

It's better than Gigli. Really.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 2-03    

MediaPost's Theory on Bob Brennan's Exit From Leo Burnett

In today's MediaPost Real Media Riffs, the theory is put forth that Bon Brennan may have left his management post at Leo Burnett to return to his media roots. Perhaps after appropriate non-compete periods, Brennan will return as a force in the media world. I don't doubt it. I worked for him as a Starcom media director for two seconds during Leo Burnett's acquisition of technology focused TFA during the dot com hey day.

He's a smart, forward thinking guy whom some people say can be somewhat intimidating. I saw none of that intimidating personality as Bob welcomed my outsiderish self into the Starcom media director family making sure I was aware of Chicago happenings while stationed in Boston. Along with Jack Klues, Bob built Starcom into the media force it is today. There's no reason why this man could not do the same thing again. I wish him well.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 2-03    

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