Here's another example of the idiotic reactions that come from harmless attempts at humor in advertising. Here we have a National Park Service ranger getting offended because of a Metamucil ad that claims to keep Old Faithful "regular". Her complaint? She is offended at the implication that Old Faithful needs "help" to keep going.
"To suggest that it's not natural, that it is enhanced by a product, is a little disconcerting," said Suzanne Lewis, superintendent of Yellowstone and chief steward of the park and its geysers.
The park actually received letters complaining about the depiction of Old Faithful as something needing "regulation".
Can people please GET A LIFE!!! I mean for God's sake, it's humor. Have you heard of it? It's supposed to make you laugh. Lighten up and enjoy life, will you?
NYT: Metamucil Ad Featuring Old Faithful Causes a Stir
Here's the list of Superbowl XXXVII advertisers. It's updated regularly so check back. Also visit for some previews and additional info.
Ad Age: Super Bowl: Who's Buying What 2003
The American Life League is launching ad ad campaign that will name twelve U.S. Senators who are both Catholic and support abortion. The campaign will refer to this group as "The Deadly Dozen".
"For 2,000 years, the Catholic Church has steadfastly defended the sanctity of all human life," said American Life League president Judie Brown. "The simple fact is you cannot actively support abortion and be a faithful Catholic. You can't have it both ways. The Church's teachings on this matter are very clear."
Why do these radical groups, not to mention the Catholic church, always insist upon making everything black and white? No issue is ever that literal and neither is life.
Get over it.
WorldNetDaily: Group to unveil 'The Deadly Dozen' senators
Even though it has lost 3 million viewers to the stupidity of 'Bachelor' and 'Bachelorette', West Wing has been picked up by NBC for two more seasons with an option for a third.
Maybe, just maybe, we'll see Bartlett through term completion.
Zap2it: 'West Wing' Gets Two More Years in Office
Kinda hard keeping good books after all those aquisitions, eh?
Boston Globe: SEC Opens Formal Investigation of Interpublic's Earnings Restatement, Company Says
Among the more interesting 2003 predictions:
- Most technology publications will cease their print versions by July and move to the web.
- Lead time between major news event and made for TV movie will collapse to 3-4 weeks.
- Reality programming to be supplanted by fantansy programming. (thank God)
MediaPost Advertising & Media Directory
There has been so much whining and complaining among television executives about these new technologies that allow viewers to skip commercials. What these executives fail to understand is there is nothing they can do about it. The landscape is changing. Video On Demand, anything on demand for that matter, is upon us and is growing fast. Clinging to old business models will simply be the death of media companies.
Here is a good article about this very topic.
MediaLife: Friday
The Mayor of Las Vegas is "hotter than finger grease" mad over the NFL's decision not to air a spot promoting Las Vegas. The NFL has an agreement with ABC and can veto any spot having to do with sports betting.
"The league office decided that the commercial was not in our best interest," said NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy . "The NFL has a long-standing policy that prohibits the acceptance of any message that makes reference to or mention of sports betting."
However, people who have seen the spot claim there is no reference to gambling and cannot understand the decision.
ESPN: NFL - Vegas mayor talks litigation after Super Bowl ad rejected
More and more magazines are taking their brands to television in an effort to increase brand awareness and circulation. Car and Driver has had a television show on TNN for three years and Maxim announced plans to air television specials. Other magazine taking to the airwaves are Woman's Day, Vogue, Esquire, Better Homes and Gardens, Ladies Home Journal, and Road and Track.
MediaDailyNews: Magazines Extending Brands to TV
Remember Cybill Shepard? She was on 'Moonlighting' with Bruce Willis and on some other sitcom, whose name I can't remembner, with Alicia Witt. She is going to play crusty Martha Stewart in an NBC movie.
Hollywood Reporter: Shepherd adopts Stewart lifestyle for NBC telefilm