After a 3-4 month period of no updates, the tongue-in-cheek favorite, AdWeak, has updated it's site. In it's editorial, the "editor" ponders whether, after all, advertising might just have a modicum of professionalism:
"After all, perhaps there is wisdom in creative briefs that I simply cared not to hear. Perhaps clients really are the most accurate arbitrators of what is worthy of production and what is not. And in fact, maybe focus groups of bored, middle-aged housewives truly are the bellwethers of all knowledge that is good and pure.
But it seems that I shall never know, for my skepticism has reduced me to nothing more a talentless hack, adrift in a sea of my own misery and bile. The end shall not be a pleasant one for me, I�m afraid. No, not at all. While those who learned long ago to play the game have glad-handed their way into luxurious retirement cottages on the Nantucket shore, I will most likely remain here, awaiting little more than the inevitable worms and their incessant chewing. But it is a fitting fate, and given no alternative I will accept it as my own."
It's been a very dry Summer and early Fall without his wit. I welcome him back.
An insightful commentary by Nick Denton of the value of weblogs as a cost cutting measure to online publishers.
Here is a very nice overview of the Tacoda system written by Rick Bruner of Executive Summary.
A Satellite Radio Killer? Maybe, especially if the service is tiered with a free tier. We'll still have ads, but audio quality will be night and day above what we have now. The interactivity potential is what excites me. The possibilities of what can be done while riding in your car is endless. Of course, that distraction is is on par with cell phone talking and driving so we may have a whole new set of problems.
FCC OKs Digital Radio
As expected, the four-member Federal Communications Commission unanimously passed an order Thursday paving the way for radio broadcasters to immediately begin broadcasting digital transmissions for FM and AM daytime.
This is a fairly obvious outcome. As reported in MediaWeek:
The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday rejected as anti-competitive the proposed merger of EchoStar Communications Corp. and its major satellite TV competitor, DirecTV, according to Todd Shields.
A good Business Week article on the basics of email marketing
In a TechNews article, it is reported that web sites have begun to reduce the restrictions they place on advertisers ad formats. So, now we can expect to see more flying monkeys and dancing babies crawl across our screens. We thought pop ups were bad. At least you can click those closed. Not so with these newer "takeover" formats that force you to view the ad. I agree with the authors opinion on this matter:
As far as I'm concerned, any advertising that takes control of the Internet experience away from those using it might as well take away the Internet. We have had enough of that nonsense from the passive medium of television.
In an article on Slate, it is stated that TiVo will fail. By that, they mean the company, not the technology. One saving grace? License the technology to cable set top box manufacturers and/or providers. The line of reasoning behind this is that one box and one bill is perceptually better then two boxes and two bills. Not to mention the fact that it is insanely difficult to hook TiVo up in tandem with a cable box for the average consumer. I am waiting very patiently for my cable company (Charter) to offer the integrated Scientific Atlanta box. You should wait too.
I suppose this is good news but Im still not sold on consumers buying a computer to watch TV and movies on. Yes, it's great on a lap top on a plane maybe but as a replacement for the Home TV I just don't know. What do you think?
Microsoft nixes TV copy protection - Tech News -
Microsoft has bowed to consumer pressure and pulled back from a controversial plan that would have encrypted TV shows recorded on forthcoming digital media PCs.
Mandy Shows There's Moore In Milk
Mandy Moore will be the latest celeb to sport a milk mustache when the 5'9" actress/singer's print ad for the "got Milk?" effort appears nationwide.