Butts, Butts, Butts

No...not that kind of butt. Cigarette butts. High on the annoyance scale who are those who choose to smoke while driving and then seen to have no concept that they have an ash tray in there car so they throw the butt out the window....so it hits my fuckin windshield!! Not to mention the fact that it is LITTERING!!! For fuck's sake, keep your shit to yourself. If you want to smoke, fine. I know a lot of people who smoke and I like them. But, don't dump your shit on me. Use your ash tray. Don't litter the world. We have enough shit to deal with already. It's gross, it's disgusting, it's lazy.

Have a fuckin clue, don't litter!


by Steve Hall    Jul-12-02    

Do You Know What You Look LIke in That?

We (men and some women I suppose :-) ) all love to see beautiful females in halter tops, tank tops, tube tops, belly shirts, tight pants, etc. But, for God's sake, look in the mirror before you go outside. I'm amazed at the people I see wearing this type of clothing with fat rolls bulging out from between the tight pants and the tight top. It's like the fat is saying to itself, "Finally, a place to escape!" and it goes BULGE!

Now, there's the cute baby fat fat and then there's the go find something more sensible to wear fat. No, I have nothing against fat, uh...excuse me, "weight challenged" people but do they really want to dress like Brittany spears when they weight 240 pounds? Does anyone want to see that? Do they know what they look like when they dress like that?

Look in the mirror!!


by Steve Hall    Jul-12-02    

Check This Out!

1000journals is a project that I came across that has been going on since August of 2000. It was started by a guy who is circulation 1000 journals around the globe. You sign up to receive a journal at this website, you add to it, and you send it along to the other person. The contents of the journal is added to the website.

Blogging taken to the next level.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 9-02    

Frustrated Writer

Here's the problem. I have these flashes of these amazingly vivid movie sequences and plots that A. disappear from my head if I don't write them down immediately (and I rarely do) and B. they never get fleshed out into even a simple written idea. Why is it that I can create an entire movie in my head that I KNOW is good....but I simply cannot get it onto paper? It's very discouraging.

And yes, I've heard it all: Just do it. Just start writing. Blah Blah Blah.

All I know is that it is going to be a man's experience with cancer, family, death, dreams, the search for a new life and the realization that maybe he had everything he needed in the first place.

Hmm...not bad for a premise. So, I say to myself....just start typing....


by Steve Hall    Jul- 9-02    

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Drew Barrymore is Awesome!

Drew Barrymore is such an amazing actress and producer. She has had such a tough life but she is so incredibly on top of her game right now. It is so wonderful to see her stuff. Sure, she's done some cheesy stuff but most everything she is in is such a pleasure to watch. From great works such as Riding in Cars With Boys and Donnie Darko to ...ah...Freddie Got Fingered, everything about her is enticing. She works on blockbusters such as Charlie's Angels and exec produces for intruiging new directors such as Richard kelly (Donnie Darko).

I just saw, again, Never Been Kissed and yea, it's pop, but it is done so well. She such a hilarious clutz in that movie. Besides, I'm a sucker for tear jerkers.

Well, if I ever finish my script, I'm sending it to her first!


by Steve Hall    Jul- 8-02