Wow. I just wrote about an idiotic bank ad which made light of environmental issues and now we have a Bloomingdales' ad which many say makes light of date rape.
A Christmas print ad for the retailer shows an image of a woman and a man with a very questionable headline between them. The headline reads, "Spike your best friend's eggnog when they're not looking."
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Did you miss me?
You would think after all these years we would have moved past the point were brands make egregious lapses in judgement knowing full well the wrath of social media outrage will rain down upon them like a ton of bricks. But, apparently, no.
A Philippine bank, BDO Unibank has apologized for an ad it ran which made light of environmental issues. In the ad, which carries the headline "Save the environment or save up to see places," a man can be seen holding a sign that reads, "Stop deforestation" behind a woman who is enjoying her travels. The word "or" is placed between the two.
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