What Can Social Media Marketers and Brand Managers Stand to Gain from Employee Advocacy?


Social media marketers and brand managers alike have the same problem: how can they make their brand's story stand out in today's noisy, always-on, social world? Let's face it, not every ad campaign goes viral and -- even more -- not every social media post reaches the target audience. But this can change. What has lately been lauded by marketers as an unsolvable problem, actually has a relatively simple solution: employee advocacy.

Social media doesn't exist in a vacuum, so why are so many social media marketers expected to perform in a vacuum? Rather than limit their social media presence to just a few social media channels, many Fortune 1000 brands are empowering their employees to advocate for them -- in their own, original voice -- on social media. Brands looking to reach new audiences as well as drive brand loyalty need only look to the people creating, building and selling their products and services.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-20-14    
Topic: Social

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