Maybe the Pleated Plaid Miniskirt Isn't the Sexiest Thing A Woman Can Wear


Hmm. And we thought the pleated plaid miniskirt was the hottest thing a woman could wear. After watching this DB Latina Puerto Rico-created Axe ad, we may have to reconsider.

We've watched the ad twice and we're still not sure what they're selling. Deodorant insurance? Who knows. From the moment a woman dressed in a short black miniskirt and high heels struts into view and says something along the lines on, "In the game of love, there are times of war," our focus was, shall we say, distracted.

So do us a favor. Give the ad a watch and let us know what they're really selling.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-21-14    
Topic: Racy

Top Five Media Buying Mistakes - And How to Avoid Them


When it's time to build your brand, promote your product, or rollout the next big thing, you'll need to engage in a media buying strategy. Whether you carefully plan a formal launch or dash off a back-of-the-envelope proposal and forge ahead immediately, everything will hinge on optimizing price and placement.

But how will you know if you're getting the best value for your dollar and reaching the largest number of potential customers? How can you avoid making a major media buying mistake? Here's a list that can help: A rundown of the top five media buying mistakes - and how to avoid them:

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by Steve Hall    Apr-21-14    
Topic: Opinion

HBO's True Detective Villain Narrates Kipling's Law of the Jungle for Bruins Playoff Ads


Here's some decidedly different NHL advertising from Arnold Worldwide. To steer clear of the usual hockey advertising trope that's usually filled with "rampant heavy metal, distressed footage and highlight orgy's," Arnold Worldwide crafted a couple of beautifully serene spots that capture an entirely different side of the game.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-21-14    
Topic: Commercials

Why You Really Are An Idiot If You Wear Google Glass


No, this isn't another item about Robert Scoble taking a showers while wearing Google Glass. But it's most certainly the same idea taken to extremes. It's bad enough we're all glued to our phones when we could be interacting with those around us but check out what happens during dinner with this four-eyed family.

It's all to tout mobile banking from First Bank. The ad, created by TDA_Boulder, illustrates the idiocy of dealing with Google Glass-like technology and signs off with, "The FirstBank Mobile App. Technology has never been so easy."

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by Steve Hall    Apr-21-14    
Topic: Commercials

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Why That 12 Keys Anti-Drug Campaign With Babies Was So Awesome


It's not every day that you see a baby drinking beer or attempting to do lines of cocaine. Do we have your attention yet? Good. It means 12 Keys Rehab's latest ad campaign is working, and you haven't even seen it yet.

There happens to be a long history of babies and young children being used in advertisements; it's a practice that dates back to the 1800's, though it would be quite some time after that until actual photographs of babies became fodder for ad campaigns.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-21-14    
Topic: Creative Commentary

How to Organize An Event That Doesn't Suck


Are you planning an event? Are you a marketing event planner? Did your boss just ask you to organize a one day conference and the closest thing you've ever planned was a trip to the grocery store? Fear not. Formstack, a company that does just what it sounds like it does, is out with an infographic (hey, they're easy to digest) entitled The Anatomy of A Perfect Event that will give you a few basic pointers.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-21-14    
Topic: Events