So the movie, Love Actually, is becoming a Christmas classic. And who can resist the sicky sweetness of that scene where Rick Grimes professes his for for Keira Knightley using flash cards? I mean, really. It rivals the boombox scene in Say Anything, right?
Well, Erwin Penland is putting that scene to good use for Denny's this holiday season with an animated gif in which a piece of bacon professes his love for am egg. We all know bacon and eggs should be together, right?
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Explainer video company Easy Explain Video has created a list of what it believes to be the ten best explainer videos of 2013. And, thankfully, they've taken a look at all explainer videos, not just the ones they created. Likely, you haven't heard of any of the companies on the list except for McAfee. Then again, that's the whole point of an explainer video; to introduce and explain new concepts and companies.
On the list are Quad, Kompoz, CrazyEgg, McAffee, VistaOneSolutions, Kurzgesagt, Heart Research Institute, Skin of Steel, Sundstedt and SilverRail.
UK search marketing firm Integrity Search has compiled a list of the top retail and supermarket holiday ads of the 2013 season. The ads were judged based on most memorable, most likely to buy, most visually appealing and most informative. The contenders were Morrison's, John Lewis, Sainsbury's Tesco, ASDA and Marks & Spencer. The winner? Well you'll just have to check out the infographic for that.
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Here's a "banned commercial" from China that touts a product that is guaranteed to protect women from rape and abduction. The translation to English is almost as funny as the video itself. Pick up a pair, ladies. It will scare the crap out of the creeps (well, most of them) away and keep you safe. Via.
Oh and Recommended Videos spits out this oddity afterwards.
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