If you're attending Advertising Week this week in New York...or just want to live it vicariously check out the pictures we took last night at the Opening Gala held at Lincoln Center and the Loud Live concert held at the Best Buy Center. It's clear, the advertising industry know how to have a good time.
From the ability to view the Metropolitan Opera right from the balcony of Lincoln Center to watching Funkmaster Flex do his thing at the Best Buy Center, the first night of the 10th annual Advertising Week was a blast.
Opening Gala pictures are here.
Loud Live pictures are here.
This is so not news but neither was Alex Tew's Million Dollar Homepage...until it actually became a million dollar homepage. So, stranger things have happened which is why we're going to tell you about The Guy Who Fucked the Million Dollar Homepage. Yes, you read that right.
A guy named Bernd Zikulnig, a pilot, aims to sell one pixel for $1 million. If you recall, Alex Tew sold one million pixels for $1 each. How Zikulnig thinks he can get one advertiser to spend $1 million on one pixel (which you won't even be able to see) is questionable but, then again, it's not the pixel that has value. It's the publicity that surrounds the stunt.
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Prankvertising, an advertising strategy that makes its point by tricking, scaring, or "pranking" an unsuspecting person or audience, seems to be the hot thing in advertising these days. It's riding on a push from marketers who believe that content creation is the best way to get and keep a brand in front of consumers online. They may be right about content creation, but when does a prank go from good advertising to a bad joke?
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