Child Abuse Ad Delivers Secret Message to Children


This is pretty interesting. The Spanish child advocacy organization, ANAR, launched an outdoor campaign that uses lenticular technology to deliver different messages to children and adults. Lenticular technology is that thing that makes what you see change based on the viewing angle.

Grey Spain created messaging that only children -- or anyone under 4' 3" -- can see and a separate message for those who are taller. The message seen by taller folks is "Sometimes child abuse is only visible to the child suffering it." The message seen by shorter children is, "If somebody hurts you, phone us and we'll help you."

The differing messages reinforces the underlying fact that many times child abuse is, in fact, only realized by the child and not the adult. Nice work.

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by Steve Hall    May- 6-13    

Native Ads Seen 53% More Than Banner Ads


A recent IPG Media Lab eye-tracking study of 4,770 consumers found native ads are seen 53% more frequently than banner ads -- 4.1 times per session as compared to 2.7 for banners. As well, the study found 26% of people looked at native ads as compared to 24% who looked at editorial content.

The study's co-author and IPG Media Labs VP of Consumer Research Strategy Kara Manatt notes native ads may be the happy medium marketers have been looking for saying, "Past research shows us that neither overly intrusive nor easily ignored ads are effective. This study validates that we are on the right path to finding that middle ground."

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by Steve Hall    May- 6-13    
Topic: Research

5 Iconic Ad Campaigns Reimagined


Oh have we got something fun for you! It's a little bit Mad Men and a little bit Google Glass. What would happen if iconic ad campaigns like VW's Think Small, Clairol's Does She or Doesn't She, Keep America Beautiful's Crying Indian, Wendy's Where's the Beef and Brooke Shield's sexually-suggestive Calvin Klein campaigns were to play out today?

Working with HubSpot's Shannon Johnson, I co-authored a report entitled Traditional Turned Inbound: Re-imagining 5 Iconic Ad Campaigns From the Past. But first, let's be honest. While I came up with the five campaigns, reached out to the industry for comment and took a stab and re-imagining the campaigns, it was the brilliant Shannon Johnson who brought this report to life with uber-intelligent insight on how these iconic campaigns from yesteryear would play out in today's very different media landscape.

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by Steve Hall    May- 6-13    
Topic: Brands, Research

Social Media, Email Deliver Lowest Cost-Per-Lead. Blogging, High ROI


Recently, HubSpot published its 2013 State of Inbound Marketing Report. The report is a comprehensive look at , well, the state of inbound marketing. What's inbound marketing you ask? Inbound marketing is a data-driven strategy that attracts and converts visitors into customers through personalized, relevant information and content. It's less about interrupting the consumer during their media consumption and all about being there with informative content when they have a particular need.

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by Steve Hall    May- 6-13    
Topic: Research

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