Audi Creates Android App to Safe Battery Life


Here's an interesting addition to the "brands make products" trend. Audi, with help from DDB Spain is out with a mobile Android app called Start-Stop that mimics one of the features in new Audi vehicles; smart technology turns off the engine when not in use (at a stop light, etc.) and turns it back on when needed so that energy is saved.

The app monitors which apps have been running the longest in the background and sends an alert to remind the user to quit the app, thus saving valuable battery life.

It's a perfect tie in with the brand and a practical and useful product all in one.

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by Steve Hall    May- 2-13    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless

This App Will Get Your Ass Out of Bed


Can't wake up in the morning? There's an app for that. No, not your builtin, boring alarm app; an app that will play increasingly "harder" music if you don't respond to the initial soft nudges.

Created by JWT Brazil for radio station 91 Rock, the song that finally does awaken the heavy sleeper can be shared with the user's social followers.

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by Steve Hall    May- 2-13    

Carvel's Fudgie the Whale Returns As Spokesman


Way back in the day, ice cream cake maker Carvel marketed a cake called Fudgie the Whale. Just as you might assume, it was a chocolate cake shaped like a whale.

Today, the brand has resurrected Fudgie the Whale in the form on an animated spokesman. In two new Focus Brands-created commercials, Fudgie can be seen touting the brand's two for one Wednesday Sundae special and specially designed Mother's Day cakes.

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by Steve Hall    May- 2-13    
Topic: Strange

Isaiah Mustafa Plays Obama in Israeli Beer Ad


Old Spice guy, Isaiah Mustafa has whipped out his Old Spice persona and lent it to Israeli beer brand Maccabee for an ad created by Allenby Concept House. In the ad, a man's distaste for Maccabee results in Mustafa -- acting very Presidential in an oval office of sorts -- turning the situation into a national issue of epic proportion.

It's garnered 572,000 views on YouTube so it can't be all bad, right? That man's gotta work and what better gig than an overly long overseas commercial in which he can turn his towel-wearing Old Spice character into Presidential stateliness?

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by Steve Hall    May- 2-13    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials

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How Marketing Automation Can Improve ROI (And Make You A Rock Star)


A multistate bank in the US saw a 55 percent increase in the profitability of its direct marketing program, repaying its system investments in only four months. A multinational telecommunications company increased response rates by 300 to 1,000 percent, improving campaign ROI 400 percent while reducing campaign costs by 30 percent. A multinational financial services provider with more than 1,000 branches improved campaign ROI by 50 percent.

A major US insurance company achieved a 12 percent increase in revenue, a 52 percent increase in earnings, and saved more than $4 million a year. A major US telecom service provider gained an incremental $6 million in lifetime value (net present value of the profit it expects from a customer) in the first month. A global telecom provider reduced call center contacts by 25 percent without decreasing effectiveness.

Want to hang with this crowd? Download this SAS whitepaper, Improving ROI With Marketing Automation, and market like a rock star!

by Steve Hall    May- 2-13    
Topic: Research