During the holidays the serious business of advertising is a bit slow. Most of you are visiting relatives, drinking egg nog and eating ham. And probably looking for something a bit more interesting than a fourth viewing of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. So it's the perfect time to bring you a round up of the year's sexiest advertising.
Yea, we know. In the grand scheme of things, it's not really that important. But it is fun. And if there's any time of the year when you have bit of extra time to have fun, it's during the holidays.
If you are working, your boss is relaxing in the Caribbean and your clients are off skiing in Europe so you have you have nothing better to do than pass the time reading this sort of silliness on Adrants.
So here we go. In no particular order, here are the 30 (or so) sexiest ads of 2012.
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For anyone who thinks New Year's resolutions are never broken or whether or not Sesame Street Cookie Monster will ever stop eating cookies, look no further than this new Google Play ad.
In the ad, Cookie Monster attempts to turn over a new leaf first buying the Rocky soundtrack then downloading fitness apps and, finally, grabbing a subscription to Everyday Food:Light. Except that's were it all goes wrong and things, as they usually do, return to normal.
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During the run-up to Christmas, the State of Kentucky (rather Whit Hiler of Cornett-IMS and Griffin VanMeter of Bullhorn in an unofficial capacity) released a video that summarized the state's rebranding from Unbridled Spirit (which the video humorously slams) to Kicks Ass. Yes, one of our fine 50 states is being encouraged to adopt the tagline Kicks Ass. And you know what? In some weird way, it kinda works. Or at least it's kinda funny. Or something like that.
The video includes appearances by Reddit's Alex Ohanian, Fark's Drew Curtis, Animal Planet's Animal Man and several others.
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Way to ring in the New Year. It's been a while since we've seen a disgisting, pustule-filled anti-smoking PSA that oozes with gross-out imagery. Of course, nothing's worked in the past so why anyone thinks a "growth" emerging from a cigarette will be any different is beyond us. Anyway, here you go. Happy New Year. Mutations and all. Courtesy of England's National Health Service.
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