Best Natural Breasts Hype Breast Cancer Awareness Month


- Honoring Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Coed Magazine compiled a list of the 60 Best Natural Breasts (not nude).

- The Wall Street Journal Digital Network announced today the launch of a branded private ad exchange called "WSJ AUDEX." The invitation-only exchange will allow advertisers and marketers to leverage programmatic buying (RTB) of the network's first-party data across,, and

- Who knew automotive oil could be used to lube up a hot, bikinied sunbather?

- Check out these singing eggs which tout the benefits of shopping for gorceries online at mySupermarket.

by Steve Hall    Oct-15-12    
Topic: Racy

Seven Ways to Improve Agency Efficiency


Nothing loses an agency client faster than inefficient process and the frustration it causes. Not even Cannes-winning work can keep a client if the agency can't manage the relationship properly. Previously, I wrote about the impact of industry consolidation and how it has affected the ability of the acquired agency and its holding company siblings to work smoothly and efficiently.

This week I'm sharing seven tips you can put to use right now to ensure your agency is serving your clients swiftly, effectively and efficiently - like the proverbial well-oiled machine.

Read the rest of my article on the Central Desktop blog.

by Steve Hall    Oct-15-12    
Topic: Agencies

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