Tim Armstrong and Arianna Huffington took that stage at Cannes for a session entitled The Re-Calibration of Form and Function Online. The gist of the panel, aside from it being a bit of a pitch for AOL's newly tightened content belt, was all about the humanizing of the internet and how content, done right, can bring real-world humanity online.
Huffington outlined her four pillars of what she dubs the "grown up internet." First off is Trust. Huffington argued brands and online entities should work towards speaking in the sort of tone one might use when speaking with a friend or colleague in a non-business, social setting. As examples of this, she pointed to a few Huffington Post headlines which, in her opinion, made the experience more human.
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Author and Wired editor Jonah Lehrer joined DraftFCB's Director of Strategic Planning Matthew Willcox to discuss the science of creativity, specifically what triggers it and whether it can be honed.
One major problem we have with creativity reveals itself in linguistics: we talk about it like it's singular, but it's plural. Our job is to think creatively the right way at the right time, applying the appropriate mental tools to the task at hand.
Relaxation Breeds Insight
To understand the different facets of creativity, it helps to know what precedes a moment of insight:
alpha waves, closely associated with states of relaxation. Walking to the beach, taking a shower, daydreaming -- doing something you really like doing, in other words -- is what makes it possible for your mind to arrive at what we traditionally understand to be creative epiphanies.
The logic is simple. When we're not relaxed, we're too focused, we produce both physical and mental tensions. Tension only restricts and builds upon itself, stifling any semblance of insight before it can even be born.
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Speaking at the Cannes Lions Festival Monday morning Malcolm Gladwell delivered a simple but powerful message; being third (or second) is better (and more profitable) than being first.
Using the 1982 battle with Israel and Syria, Gladwell pointed out the reason Israel won (shot down 87 Syrian planes losing only 3 troops) is because it used the inventions of others. Namely, Russia and the United States.
Gladwell, with example after example made the point Russia, traditionally very centralized, is excellent at developing military strategy. The United States, with its decentralized military and access to a well-funded private sector, is excellent at creating intricate and effective devices of war. Israel, small and poor, is excellent at implementing the strategies and developments of others to their success.
Moving off the topic of war and onto business examples of first isn't best, Gladwell reminded the audience Steve Jobs didn't invent the personal computer, nor its graphical user interface. Xerox, a well funded operation with legions of engineers and technicians and culture of innovation, invented what Jobs eventually turned into an affordable device consumers could understand, use and afford.
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It's Monday in Cannes and a slew of shortlists has been announced. The lists for Outdoor, Media, Public Relations, Radio and Press have been released.
Selected contenders in Outdoor include Y&R Chicago's work for PETA's Passion campaign, Mother New York's work for Target's Kaleidoscopic Fashion Spectacular, Leo Burnett Chicago's work for Kellogg's The World's Largest Cuckoo Clock, JWT New York's work for Burma's Human Rights Watch and R/GA's work for Nike's The Film Room.
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