Created especially for Adrants by Visual Economics, this infographic takes a look at the history of Cannes from its origins in 1954 all the way up to its current incarnation in 2011. Give it a look here and check out the various facts and figures.
If you are a travel brand, you may want to check out SocialRewards, a new social media-based loyalty program that allows brands to award those who make mention of the brand on Twitter and Facebook. Less like a pay per tweet program and more like your typical offline loyalty program, brands award points to people based on a sliding scale.
For example, five points are earned for making a mention but up to 250 points are awarded if the mention leads to a booking at the destination. Accumulated points lead to awards such as discounts or free stays.
Using a tracking mechanism, SocialRewards charges brands ten cents per engagement which is defined as a click, retweet, reply or Like.
A video uploaded by BMW Canada which features a driver racing a Series M Coupe through what we're told are cement walls that are cut to fit the shape of the vehicle as it slides through has generated much commentary. Debate centers around whether the walls are real or whether they were digitally added in after the fact. Or if they are just Styrofoam made to look like concrete. No word from BMW Canada but the stunt is impressive.
Of course all it proves is that there are great drivers out there, not that the vehicle, itself, is the only vehicle that can do such a stunt. After all, a well trained stunt car or race car driver could do the same thing with a 1970's era Lincoln Continental Mark VII or whatever that boat of a vehicle was called.
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