- Burger King and Crispin Porter + Bogusky have ended their seven year relationship.
- The Chicago Sun Times has let go ad critic Lewis Lazare.
- A sex doll commits suicide in an ad all to promote a dating site.
- Super hottie Tehmeena Afzal is out with another video. This one's for a local car dealer and she's wearing less clothing than she ever has before.
With big names like Katy Perry and David Beckham along with athletes Lionel Messi and Derrick Rose, Adidas is out with a new, two minute long video, part of the brand's All Adidas ad campaign. According to Adidas Global Brands Executive Board member Erich Stamminger, the campaign's concept, "brings together the diversity of the brand under one strong roof. From the court to the catwalk, the stadium to the street, we are giving an authentic statement with credibility that only Adidas has."
From the two minute video which features a new track from Justice called Civilization, :30's and :60's will be cut to air on television and in cinemas.
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Three years after her first work for the brand, Keira Knightly is back with Chanel for another Coco Mademoiselle film in which she dons a beige catsuit and is accompanied by a matching beige motorcycle. We only have a teaser of the film at this point but the full film is scheduled for release Monday, March 21. From the film, a :30 and :60 will be cut for television.
The work is a collaborative effort between Knightley and her Pride & Prejudice director, Joe Wright. Following the television launch, print ads shot by Mario Testino will debut in early April.
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For Red Bull, Circ.us created a mobile gaming app for the iPhone that allows people to create their own race track by arranging and photographing Red bull cans. People arrange the cans on the ground in a way that represents the curves in a race track. That arrangement then becomes the shape of the race track in the game.
The work succeeds on two fronts. It offers up a free and customizable mobile game and it gets people to buy Red Bull in order to make the game possible. Fun + Sales = Win.
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Mr. Field of Dreams himself, Kevin Costner, is the voice behind new work from Wieden + Kennedy for ESPN touting opening day and the kick off of the 2011 Major League Baseball season. In the ad, everything baseball can be found: painted faces, Presidential ball tosses, gigantic flags, screaming fans, flyovers and, of course, sponsorship messages.
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