We just received the perfect illustration depicting Super Bowl party attended by people who work in the advertising industry. It's a classic and a true representation of advertising types at their finest. Anf you all know this is true. Click the image for the truth.
We don't have much to say about this Super Bowl commercial promoting th NFL Network other than the fact it features the same goofy looking guys who appeared in a series of Minnesota Lottery commercials in January. It seems the two travel in pairs. Triple Double created.
Advertising Age says the NFL will place a :60. This ad is a :30. We'll just have to wait to see what actually airs.
We actually like this Coke spot featuring Republican pundit Bill Frist and Democratic pundit James Carville who find themselves in the situation of saying the same thing at the same time. Of course, the rules regarding that apply and Frist calls "jinks" on Carville and tells Carville he has to buy him a Coke. The two then embark upon a day together in Washington.
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While Fox would likely never let it run, fearful it would tarnish the minds of innocent small children, with a few tweaks these two commercials for ICS Concrete Chain Saws would be great to see during the game. In this campaign, the Big Bad Wolf, famous for his appearances in Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood, happens upon the home of three little pigs and with the help of a concrete chain saw from ICS which believes a concrete wall is nothing more than a door waiting to be opened, lets himself in.
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Gatorade really isn't cutting it with its Super Bowl efforts this year. In a spot for its G2 sport drink, Derek Jeter walks through the streets of New York as a baseball landscape digitally follows him. Like we said here, nice effects but that's about it. We said it wasn't lame but close.
After viewing this Arnell-created commercial for the company's flagship line of drinks, we can, without doubt, say this one is truly lame. For almost the entire length of the commercial, we see a dog drinking from its water bowl. We watch. We wait. We watch. We wait. There simply has to be some amazing punchline this thing's working up to. Will the dog break out in some sort of digitally-enabled, cartoonish, Gatorade-fueled dance? Will we see a loving scene between dog and man with a closing shot of man and dog expressing their love for one another while the man drinks from a bottle of Gatorade and the tagline, "Gatorade. Life is Good" is supered?
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