Escalator Handrail Advertising Comes to America


Come on, ad:tech! Oracle's Openworld has them. Why not you guys? Oh yes, you have beautifully branded San Francisco's Moscone Center stairs with the likes of DoubleClick but branded escalator handrails are where it's at now. Stairs or so...well, passe. While branded escalator handrails have been around for a while overseas, Aap Global, creator of the medium, tells us this is the first stateside installation.

So get on the phone to DoubleClick and get them to cough up some more sponsorship dollars for some cool looking handrails for the upcoming show in April. Are you gonna let old school Oracle have all the glory? Say it isn't so.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (0)     File: Industry Events, Outdoor, Specialty     Nov-19-07  
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