Schwan's Helps Housewives Break Through Glass Ceiling


Unleashing the anachronistic term "housewife" or perhaps simply tossing aside silly, politically correct euphemisms like "stay-at-home-mom," Frozen food home delivery company Schwan's claims (in a headline) "Research shows that 95 percent of housewives could use a housewife."

Now, AdFreak picked up on the lesbian vibe toward which this headline hints. We, contrary to what one might assume, believe that, yes, the job of a housewife, particularly if she's a doesn't-stay-at-home-mom needs all the help she can get. Why trek to the grocery store with three screaming brats when you can lock the snots in their rooms, order from Schwan's and down a gallon of Cookies 'n Cream while issuing missives via laptop to the hundreds on minions you oversee at the office from the comfort of your couch? Minneapolis agency Hunt Adkins created the campiagn.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (2)     File: Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Outdoor     Sep-28-07  


Oh good grief! Might you be reading just a bit too much into this campaign? As a single mom, I often wished there was someone to do the stuff a wife/mom usually does for her family.
I did NOT need a husband--I needed a WIFE, with no sexual connotations whatsoever!

Posted by: Birdie on September 28, 2007 11:48 PM

As a happily married housewife for 23 years, sex was never a duty. It was fun. See, part of being a house wife includes love, not just employ, and with the love, the sex followed naturally, and mine was hetero with a husband.

I am divorced now, but don't anyone take away the meaning of my work or the word when I did it well.

doing my part in restoring honor to a valued and lost concept.

Posted by: nancy on September 29, 2007 01:57 AM

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