's Office Door Continues to Revolve


Working at's gotta suck. If it's not that Subway video, it's the agency's chronic employee bail out. It's kinda like summer interns. Just as soon as you've tricked them into thinking they'd actually see something in your sad, over-the-hill 30-something ass, summer's over and they're off to school again and you're left with nothing but a fantasy. And who can get any work done if your management team is playing musical chairs and your co-workers are changing like a client revises a layout?

The latest bit of merry-go-round action comes courtesy of David Eastman, the agency's CEO who is leaving after less than a year on the job. That is so not a good indication of what's going on inside the fist-bumpers club. Whatever the reason behind the shuffles, this sort of stuff is not exactly a confidence builder for clients and prospects.

UPDATE: Well, who knows what the real story is. Commenters say he was fired and now we're told by directly Eastman isn't actually leaving the agency but will take on a newly-created role of President-International beginning May 1. Chairman Chan Suh will take on the role of CEO.

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-07    
Topic: Agencies, Opinion

Consumer-Generated Confessions Come Clean For Mom


Damn! Just when we thought this consumer-generated trendlet was dying down, online video network Capessa and Dawn had to go and partner to create Come Clean For Mother's Day...The World's Cleanest Video Contest. Now we have to watch random people confess to their mothers such gems as stealing wine from the fridge (oh, the horror!), eloping three months before the real wedding (that's pretty shocking), dating mom's co-worker, getting a tattoo (Angela?), Lake Acapulco cliff diving and all sorts of other mundane escapades. Thankfully Mom doesn't have to watch all these videos but she does get a year of free maid service if her kid's confession is the best. Even so, we're thinking Mom would much prefer to watch Xtra-pine's Cleaning Hunk rather than their sons and daughters copping to their adolescent dirty deeds.

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-07    
Topic: Brands, Consumer Created, Video

iPod Powered OhMiBod Sex Toy Delivers Music-Powered Orgasm


Where back in the day The Cars said "Let the good times roll," vibrator maker Soft Paris says let the good times vibrate with the lyrics "you should plug it, let's all plug it" in this iPod-style commercial for the company's Oh My God-inducing OhMiBod iPod plugin sent to us by Shawn Waite. The device promises to rock your inner world Beautiful Agony-style with the pulsating beat of your own iTunes collection.

We can just hear the frantic, mid-orgasm calls to Apple tech support from the office bathroom complaining the device is stuck and won't turn off and, while admitting between orgasmic breaths of air extended periods of pleasure aren't normally a problem, returning to a meeting in full-on orgasm certainly would be a bit embarrassing. Now that's something that'd surely awake any CSR from their coma-inducing day at the office. Though this device may surely be fun for some, Ariel thinks it looks like a Tampon which we're sure is a "device" that isn't all that fun to insert or to have stuck inside.

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-07    
Topic: Racy, Strange, Video

Creatives Fall Prey to Power of Subliminal Advertising


If any of you still doubt the power of subliminal advertising, you need look no further than this video sent to us by fresh creation in which two unsuspecting creatives fall victim to the old naked lady in the ice cube trick. No, this isn't just the much discussed lady in the ice cube of old but rather an elaborate stunt to prove subliminal messaging does work. As long as we are to believe this video truly represents what happened.

Watch as two creatives are recruited to create a campaign in 30 minutes for a taxidermy store. The resulting campaign will surprise you once the curtain is lifted at the end of the story. McDonald's is no stranger to this trick having recently done a bit of their own sort of subliminal advertising. And, yes, we know this video is a year old.

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Strange, Trends and Culture

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Sony Slaughters Goat for Gods of War II


Even though this happened last month, it seems to have slipped undetected under our radar though we're not sure how given our unique propensity for all things wacky and wierd. Sony, in a not so twisted effort to illustrate the gruesome nature of its just launched God of War II PlayStation2 game, thought a slaughtered, beheaded and gutted previously live goat would do the trick. The goat was central to a party the gamer held in the UK which also featured an offal-eating contest, knife throwing, snake biting and topless waitresses with painted on tops.

Predictably, the International Fund for Animal Welfare was not pleased calling the stunt "outrageous. The organization's spokesman said, "We are always opposed to any senseless killing of an animal and this sounds like a gruesome death. We condemn Sony's actions. It is stupid and completely unjustified."

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by Steve Hall    Apr-29-07    
Topic: Events, Promotions, Racy, Strange