Verizon Addles Goldfish with Mean-Ass Gz'One Type V


Why is the bulky screw-ridden open-grilled Verizon Gz'One Type-V so ugly? Because it is tough. So tough it is waterproof and shock resistant. So tough it merits a name that can't be pronounced without a platinum inlay across your teeth.

McCann, New York threw together a promotional event called "Call the Fish" in a New Jersey store. One of these bad-boys got tossed into a fishbowl while people called the phone and watched the aggravated fish react to the phone's musical ringtones, flashing lights and vibrations.

How far we've all come from tapping incessantly on tanks.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Brands, Promotions

ADC Awards TBWA, Fembot Goes Gay, LeSportsac Zips


- TBWA\Chiat\Day took the Art Directors Club Gold Cube medal for Advertising and R/GA took the honor for Interactive Media. All the finalists can be viewed here. (PDF)

- I'm a gay man trapped in the body of a fembot.

- Bag seller LeSportsac has hung a "zipper board" on Lafayette near Bong in New York.

- The New York Festivals Interactive Media Advertising Awards show will take place April 27th at the Daryl Roth Theatre.

- AdOfDaMonth has launched and promises to nominate one each each month as the best in the word as determined by a jury of ten creatives.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events, Outdoor, Strange

Social Conversation Overtakes Traditional Marketing


Over on Madison Avenue Journal, Levenson and Hill New Media and Marketing Strategist Paul McEnany has written an article that discusses the rise of social media and the increase in consumer control over media which, when combined, has had a tremendous effect of the pillar of traditional advertising. While highlighting ad:tech San Francisco sessions that cover aspects of this discussion, Paul urges us to stop thinking about what we do as advertising and he's right. Advertising is shouting a message at people. Clearly, the power of that model as quickly losing its luster.

With people's increased connectivity and control over what they consume, marketers are finding it very difficult to "herd" demographic groups together to advertise to as easily as they once could. It started with media fragmentation. Remember when we thought 100 cable channels was a lot? And it continued with the growth of the Internet and the most recent explosion of social media which has absolutely changed the advertising equation. It's far from the one way street it used to be.

more »

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Opinion, Trends and Culture

Mochila Introduces Ad-Supported Multimedia Player For Publisher


Mochila, a service that provides publishers a place to buy and sell content, has introduced the AdMatch Player, a branded multi-media player that lets publisher customize video offerings. It offers up a sort of content marketplace from which publishers can choose con tent and share in the revenue gleaned by ads served through the player. Content will be available from asap, Associated Press,, EFE, Ford Models, The Health Central Network, ITN Source, Lonely Planet, MeeVee, Mobi Jokes, Red Herring, Rodale,, SmashTube, South China Morning Post, Tiempos Del Mundo, and Vibe Media Group. ans others.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Online, Publishing

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Mitchum Pits Make Pretty Music


Those of us who always wished we could make callous armpit noises, but just couldn't, can now live vicariously through Mitchum's armpit orchestra.

Wait for all the fancy members to load and then record a tune. It's like having a human piano except with fart noises and the occasional surprise puff of smoke. We don't know why but right now we find this insanely, inexplicably funny.

Carat Fusion is responsible for this one.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Online

Adidas Uses Street Art to Stir Sleepy Commercialism


Adidas goes graffiti way with End to End, a snazzy collabo that includes graffiti artists from around the world drawn together to bring hype back to the sleepy brand. It's got a playful mishmash of colour that reminds us of the Asics Made of Japan effort.

Fresh Creation has a more elaborate intro and some neat videos too.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online, Television

Baby Birth Inspires Monster Maker


This is really interesting. To offset the costs of a new baby, a dude named Len started something called Monster by Mail, where he offered to draw 150 unique monsters for cash.

Word on the street is he met the 150 mark within a week. You can see all the monsters here. And check him out drawing the last one.

Congrats on the new baby. We're so glad you didn't jump on the million dollar homepage boat. You know what would be awesome for the next set? Painting with a physical gimmick, like this dude who painted Bruce Lee by chopping at the wall.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Online

William Shatner Gets a Falcon. It Suits Him


Priceline takes William Shatner, who's pompous by default, and makes him pompouser still with the use of a falcon and an eyepatch and ads that seem to drag on and on and on.

Check it all out at Falcon of Truth. You need a code to get in but we can assure you of either one of these two soothing facts:

* You're not missing out on much, as it contains the usual peppy text, promotional images and downloads

* You'll probably get some sort of invitation to see it eventually

We will leak one thing, though. Be among the first 100 to e-mail Priceline with your name, address and size and you could get a Falcon of Truth shirt. No, we're not kidding. Scramble for your Outlook right now.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Good, Online, Promotions

Broken Tongue Makes Ass of You, Says Skill Language School


For its client the Skill Language School, Leo Burnett, Sao Paulo puts together an interesting trio of prints involving animal-shaped balloons with wince-worthy getting-to-know-you dialogue on the bodies.

The balloon animals they selected made us LOL in real life: choose from a dog (at left), an ass and a snail. All that's missing, really, is a douche, but that would probably be hard to define in balloon-animal language.

The tagline: "Don't risk sounding ridiculous in [English/Spanish]. Skill Language School." Straightforward. We like it.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Strange

Reebok Explores the Jogversation Landscape


mcgarrybowen/180 Amsterdam and anonymous content/Gorgeous get together to create this neat spot called Run Easy, part of the Run Easy campaign Reebok recently launched.

While Nike and iPod nailed the intensity and exhiliration of music and the dash, Reebok slows the pace and captures the conversational camaraderie that occurs between runners. The use of snippets to tell tales out-of-context adds to the effect, considering runners tune in to some weird convos in those instances of jog-by earshot.

A far cry from the hip-hop effort of last year.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television