Philips Bluetooth Headphones Point to Pitfalls of Dancing In Underwear


While it's quite common to see people disappearing into their own world while attached to their mp3 player and busting dance moves they'd never do if they knew people were watching, we're pretty sure most don't strip while doing so. Unless. of course, they're the Sixteen Candles Geekish type like the guy in this video touting the beauty of Philips Bluetooth headphones which simultaneously connect to your mp3 play and your phone. Created by Isobar and Lukien, the video illustrates why it's best to pay at least a tiny bit of attention to your surroundings. It's also a brilliant demonstration of the product's feature.

by Steve Hall    Apr-12-07    
Topic: Good, Racy, Strange, Video

MediaCom Keeps Staples, Flip Pays For College

- This never happens. Incumbent MediaCom has retained the $128 million Staples media account after a multi-shop review.

- CondiNet's teen site Flip has launched a $25,000 sweepstakes to all teens who join the site between now and May 31. The money is offered to be used towards college tuition.

- Creative showcase site Newcreatives has given it's site a new look and changed the way it features submitted creative.

by Steve Hall    Apr-12-07    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Promotions

KFC Targets Kids With Mosquito Tone Commercial


Using mosquito tone technology which produces a high pitched frequency that, in most cases, only those under 21 can hear, KFC, with help from DraftFCB, has launched a commercial which offers the chance to win a $10 coupon to the first 1,000 who know when the tone starts in the commercial. Blatantly casting aside issues surrounding childhood obesity (not that it's marketer's fault, mind you) and human physiology, KFC spokeswoman Laurie Schalow said, "It's really not meant to target 20-year-olds and under. We actually found there were quite a few people in their 30s who can hear it just fine." Uh, right. Gotta love public relations.

Oh wait, strike that. We can hear the tone just fine and we're, uh, well over 20. Guess we have great ears. Or the sound has been enhanced in the YouTube version of the commercial. Yup, it's been enhanced. Can't hear it in the commercial hosted on the KFC site. So it's back to lovin' PR. But there's no need to guess yourselves. The 1,000 coupons have already been claimed.

by Steve Hall    Apr-12-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Promotions

Campaign Launched For Perfect Facebook Pic


With the advent of consumer-generated media and YouTube, Spring Break just isn't what it used to be. Or maybe this guy just didn't get any action. Either way, he did accomplish something during his break in the form of a video that spoofs a parody of the Dove Evolution video. Entitled "Campaign for the perfect facebook pic," Courtney Podvin undergoes the usual evolutionary transition with the end product ending up on his facebook profile. Insightfully, the video ends with the statement, "No wonder our perception of people on facebook is distorted."

by Steve Hall    Apr-12-07    
Topic: Consumer Created, Good, Spoofs, Video

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