UK Junk Food Ban Bleeds into All Media


The UK just extended a TV ban on junk food ads to magazines, newspapers, billboards, film and the Internet. The restrictions, which apply to virtually all foods but fruits and vegetables, are for ads targeted at those under 16.

Chairman Andrew Brown of the Committee on Advertising Practice states, "These comprehensive new rules are designed to help protect children's health while still allowing advertisers an appropriate degree of freedom to promote their products."

Let's latch onto this "appropriate degree" thing for a minute and ask ourselves to what degree it's appropriate to put milkshakes (which continue to colour our happiest sunshiny days) on a par with cigarettes. Hello? Parents? Hello?

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Policy

Meth Spoofs Slutebrity to Hock Duds


Dan Meth, who's clearly got a firm grip on what gets 15-year-old girls' pulses racing, launches this Natty Girls animated video for pricey boutique Live Natty. (Not to be confused with "nappy," which can get you in trouble.)

We sometimes winced and had to cover our eyes. Overall it is, as he so eloquently puts it, "top 40 bubblegum bliss." Unless we find an antidote not crooned by Britney Spears pre-breakdown, the song will be stuck in our heads for the rest of the night.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-07    

Samsung HDTV is Actually a Very Large Frame


To push its line of full HD LCD televisions, Samsung launches a Bordeaux print campaign on how the device can convert soap operas, soccer games and even the weather report into works of art.

The captions read "Even a [soap opera/soccer game/weather forecast] looks like a work of art."

Pretty but perhaps misguided. It's not often we've sought docile masterpieces for hours of mindless entertainment, though Vogue may beg to differ.

Props to AdPunch for the lead.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine

Ads Drop Imus for 'Nappy-Headed Hos' Crack


After calling lady members of the Rutgers basketball team "nappy-headed hos" and "jigaboos" last week, advertisers dropped "Imus in the Morning" like the man was in flames. The list of the departed is long and includes P&G, AmEx, GM and Staples.

The displeased knights of valor at MSNBC dropped its simulcast of the CBS Radio show shortly thereafter, attributing the decision to maintaining integrity and not to the Arctic chill generated by pissed-off household brands.

What to expect from a guy who looks (and sometimes sounds!) like a Civil War relic? Sirius, you've just won yourself a new high-profile deejay.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Social, Television

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TLC Goes CGM on Profundity Hunt at Market Value


If Youtube is the ultimate archive of self-exploitative human behaviour and ads are major persuaders in societal instruction, then it's only natural that at the crossroads we find Life Lessons I Learned the Hard Way.

This is TLC's feeble dip into the somehow unexhausted world of CGM. And guess what you win if your life lesson is the best? A chance for your ad to air on TLC, and ... wait for it ... $10,000. Yeah, that's the going rate for anybody whose exhibitionist camp gets an accolade from a big brand. (Observe examples 1, 2, 3.)

At this point we have little hope that video-whoring will go away anytime soon. That reality TV fad? Still going strong. Who'd have guessed there'd be a market for seeing anybody, not just celebrities, get gritty on camera?

Okay, aside from MTV.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Television, Video

See Cirque du Soleil, Get Retribution For Bad Adrants Press


If you like Cirque du Soleil and you live in San Francisco or will be there attending ad:tech April 24-26, you'll have a chance to see the performers do their thing. During the ad:tech Awards Show April 25, the group will be performing at 6:30 PM. No, it's not free. That'd be wonderful but they do have to be paid for their spectacular performances which is why ad:tech is charging for entry. But since it's the ad:tech Awards Show, there will also be open bar, tons of food and tunes from DJ Zeph included in that entry fee. You can get an early bird discount if you buy your tickets before April 25 (They cost more at the door).

Angela and I will be there so if you want to hunt us down and berate us for any crap we may have written about you or your company, this is your chance!

Angela: Dude. Did you have to publish an open invitation to hunt us down? I might actually want to spawn cheeky rant-filled children someday.

by Steve Hall    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Riffing Snickers Kiss, More Incestuous Thought From MTV Canada


Forget the Snickers Kiss. That's been one upped by a Canadian MTV don't do drugs commercial created by Saatchi & Saatchi Toronto which, yes, has two guys kiss each other. Kinda like the recent Axe backwards commercial, this one delves into the realm of incestual nastiness. Ew. But funny. Really, it is.

by Steve Hall    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Yes, You Really Do Want to Go to Cleveland's Institute of Art


Last month we featured a very weird and very whacked video from Cleveland agency Brokaw which was celebrating its 15th anniversary. Now, the agency has sent us some of its real work for its client the Cleveland Institute of Art which we really like. It's five minute, stop motion-ish video created with a sketch pad and some minimal effects. After all, educational institutions aren't famous for spending big in recruitment advertising. The video is nicely done and the voice over does just the right job of smack talking the educational recruitment process without overdoing it. It even highlights many reasons why a college student would want to go to Cleveland in the first place. Top on our list? The Barking Spider.

by Steve Hall    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Good, Video

NBC 18-49 Rating Plummet, Rovion Sucks, Creative Wanted, Adidas Tags


- Yikes. Reminiscent of that "where the hell did all the 18-34 men Go" trauma of a year of two ago, MediaWeek's Marc Berman reports NBC's adult 18-49 demo plummeted 24 percent to a 2.2/9 compared to last year representing the lowest since September 1991. Hmm. Ratings glitch?

- The Web Marketing Association has begun the 2007 Call for Entries for the 11th annual international WebAward competition. Check it out if you can stand the insanely annoying Rovion video that incessantly appears in the lower right hand corner of the site every time you visit. This is a technology that should get shot in the head. Along with in text advertising and PayPerPost.

- CreateAthon 2007 wants 24 hours of time from agencies to dedicate their time and talent to non profits.More info here.

- Kleenex has debuted a new oval-shaped package and a program that lets people design their own tissue box for $4.99.

- While it feels like the whole graffiti as advertising trend is so yesterday, apparently, it's still a thing and Adidas has launched a project whereby graf artists are tagging a New York subway car.

by Steve Hall    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Guerilla, Industry Events, Research, Television

Sloggi Shares the Lingerie Love, Lets You Choose Ass, Make Billboard

Fresh Creation tips us to yet another bit of salacious ad fun. If you've got time to waste and want to stare it thong-clad Sloggi models while making your own billboard with the Sloggi Billboard Director, have at it. Famous for their banned billboards and propensity to show as much ass as often as possible, the lingerie maker is now letting everyone in on the fun having. After all, why should art directors and photographers be the only ons to stare at ass all day long?

by Steve Hall    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Consumer Created, Online, Racy, Social

Win 'Front-Row' Seats to the Future of Online Advertising


Because we love you so much, Adrants is giving away five free passes to the Future of Online Advertising conference held June 7-8 at New York's Gotham Hall. That's two days (a whoppin' $895 worth) of all the buzz-hocking and inspiration you can swallow -- for free. Nada. Zip. Nothing.

Conference topics will include search, online video, click fraud and online advertising basics. Many speakers at the conference are at the forefront of advertising's future including BlogAds Founder Henry Copeland, Co-Founder Mike Hudack, Feedburner's Steve Olechowski, Edelman Senior Marketing Strategist and uber-blogger Steve Rubel, Brightcove's Jeremy Allaire and many more. Apart from the serious stuff, let's not forget the fun-having! Every conference has it and this one will too.

The fun and games take place June 7-8. This is a new conference. It doesn't have a track record but it's shaping up nicely. We're pleased to offer five Adrants readers free passes to this event. If you're interested, all you have to do is send an email to We'll choose five people at random on April 18, providing you the penultimate experience of wallowing in the future of online advertising.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Announcements, Industry Events

Trident Studies Mastication, Explains Gum-Related Pleasure


There's something very odd about the word "mastication." Say it ten times and you'll see what we mean. It's like saying "both" ten times in a row. See? Anyway. Enough about the oddities of the English language. On to Trident gum which, with help from AKQA London, has created an interesting movie about, yes, mastication. And brain lobes. And mastication quivering. And pleasure, And lobal deflation. And Softeriationificationflavorization...uh...something about making the gum soft. And fruit recognition software. And...oh just watch the video.

by Steve Hall    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Good, Video

Caress Does that Weird Overgrown Princess Thing


Because apparently even grown women who aren't named Mariah Carey have fantasies about being princesses, Caress gives the longing a chance to star in their own fairy tales.

The website, meant perhaps for yoga mamas still squeezing their own toes into kids' ballerina flats, includes capabilities for creating Prince Charming as well as Harlequin Romance-style videos about ingenues who turn combative burlies into relationship trophies. Don't forget to catch the one about the career chick who learns there's more to life than business. (Whether that lesson leads back to true love or soap remains a mystery.)

In a previous life we may have lounged around concocting princesses while swathing ourselves in fragrant sodium laureth sulfate, but frankly we don't have to. We already know we're the best princess of all. Vera Wang said so when they tried this same approach.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Online

Mr Clean Leaps Late into CGM, Uses Oompa-Loompas to Distract Us


Let's forget for a minute that the CGM wave is so last February. If Mr. Clean wanted to personify cleaning house, we'd think they'd use that big bald burly dude already featured on all their creative instead of haphazardly throwing an Oompa-Loompa at us from left field.

While we mentally rejected the idea of an Oompa-Loompa creeping around cleaning shit (they are very naughty, after all), we liked the screaming ADD-ridden kid. And if you can somehow top Mr. Clean on the weird video scale, you could win $10,000. Lookie, they even made the contest name rhyme: Make a Scene with Mr. Clean. How whimsical.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Games, Video

NASCAR Has Something to Prove, Uses Tees to Get Mean


Debates over the legitimacy of racecar-driving as a "real" sport aside, there's one sport we never get tired of playing: mouthing off, a pastime NASCAR leverages in the ads for its Busch Series races.

To add texture to this most stimulating of face-offs, the ad-splattered organization features talking heads on ad tees. Iron-on drivers trash each other, make fun of their over-the-hill future selves and call out sluggish competitors.

Credited to BooneOakley, the campaign will run on ABC, ESPN and ESPN2, FOX and SPEED, as well as during the Nextel Cup races. Prints and Internet banners will also be floating around in NASCAR-oriented publications and sites.

The ads are compelling enough to inspire us to buy a NASCAR shirt, though we'd be bummed if we stood around waiting for them to talk and they just ... didn't.

For the buzzkills who respond to trash-talk with "WTF, mate? Got something to prove?!", NASCAR prepares the perfect slogan: Hell yeah, fucktard! "We've got something to prove." We added the first part, but we know that's what they meant.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Good, Promotions