Gatorade Gets Into Sidney Crosby, Lets Us Come Too


Gatorade presents us with the What's Inside campaign starring the NHL's Sidney Crosby. The Canada-based run includes video game stylistics and surreal Hollywood visual effects. The object is to go on pushing their longtime "Is it in you?" position which always brought Alien, and not sports drinks, to mind.

We're a little surprised by what the inside of somebody's mind actually looks like. Under the impression it would be murky and labyrinthine, Crosby's head is a lot more like, well, a spaceship.

With decision-making opportunities and the occasional dreamy childhood flashback, the site is trippy and occasionally eerie, but then again we're easily shaken after a Goatse attack. We only wish we had a bit more back-end control over the hockey star, who makes for rather nice eye candy. Credit goes out to Canada's Tribal DDB.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Online, Strange

Job Site Blows People, Not Just Smoke, Up Executive Ass


We are people of generally strong constitutions -- except when it comes to the perplexingly magnetic appeal of Goatse, which now transcends geek-realm and affects your average nine-to-fiver.

A reader points us to Boing Boing reporting on a commuter-tunnel-cum-executive-colon, courtesy of a job-hunting site in Hamburg. The idea suggests you don't have to crawl up an exec's ass for a dream job.

Generally speaking, anyway.

The poster has fundamentally changed the meaning of "Get in my belly!" for us forever.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Outdoor

ad:tech Chair Offers Vision of Conference's Future


OK, so it's the all ad:tech issue today but you already know we're married to that conference. So there's the parties but there's also serious content and ad:tech Chair Drew Ianni has just published an article on the ad:tech blog which examines the current focus of the show and takes a look to towards where he'd like to see the show go in the future. He'd like to see the show broaden it's coverage beyond advertising and expand to encompass ans examination of "how digital media and technologies are transforming the business and discipline of marketing communications. " Check out his vision for ad:tech here.

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Adrants In Search of ad:tech San Francisco Parties


Come on people. Two weeks prior to last year's ad:tech New York conference, we had at least eight known parties listed on our fun little ad:tech party calendar but with ad:tech San Francisco just two weeks away, we've got just two. Are you San Francisco marketers going to let New York marketers rule? Put you to shame? have more fun? Of course not. We know you can do better so let's get with it.

As a bit of self service to those in the industry who plan to attend the ad:tech conference in San Francisco a couple weeks from now, we're launching our own call for entry, socially speaking. We're interested finding out which companies are planning to host "social events" during the evenings of the three day conference. If you are a company planning a party or if you simply know of a party that is going to occur, please let us know. Along with all our learning during the show, we need our social activities as well. Send info to

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Industry Events

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Breath Freshener Associated With Farting. Yes, We Have No Idea Either


OK, This is guaranteed to make you laugh. Bathroom humors always does. Oh, don't pretend you think fart jokes aren't are funny. We're not believing it for one second. We are biologically programmed to laugh at this stuff. Though each one of us has seen fart jokes delivered in every way imaginable, we still laugh at them no matter how they come. This one, though, is truly a classic. For some reason, Air Vigorsol wants us to associate its Air Action Vigosol breathe freshener with...get ready for it...a farting squirrel chipmunk who saves the forest from fire. Squirrels Chipmunks? Power farts? Breath freshener? Oh how some marketer's minds work. Winter has come.

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Axe Gets Creepy With Incestual Thoughts


Now here's an Axe commercial that turns things completely upside down and goes all icky on us. Everyone knows wearing Axe body spray attracts females by the millions. What we didn't know is that huffing the stuff can cause some very odd and awkward behavior. This is one of those situations you hope you're never in. Unless, of course, she's your step sister or something like that. BBH created and HSI produced.

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

One Shows, Pig Ponders, Bloggers Conference


- From May 8-11, The One Club will host its One Show Festival Week

- There are bad commercials that promote local Spring fairs...and then there's this one. But the agency, Big Bang Seattle, really, really wants you to know they created it.

- The Blogger's Choice Awards is now collecting nominations.

- And don't miss PostieCon, a conference in Orlando for bloggers to learn from the leaders in the space.

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Bad, Commercials, Industry Events

ihaveanidea's Portfolio Night Goes on World Tour


Complete with full blown faux rock band returning after a 25 year absence, behind the scenes-style video and a "hit single," the folks over at ihaveanidea are promoting their upcoming Portfolio Night in style. The band, Burn Back, was popular back in the day but disappeared because they "weren't getting enough respect." Now, they're back to help push the organization's annual world-wide portfolio review during which top creative directors the word over will review the portfolios of aspiring creatives eager to get into advertising. It all happens May 3rd in 28 cities across the globe. Get your portfolios ready people!

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Online, Promotions, Strange, Video

Houlihans Invites You to Play 'I Never' Drinking Game


It's a fair statement for us to say, for the most part, we've never found an online game we've really liked. In an odd and twisty bit of word play for us, a game called I Never has become an online game we really do like. Created by Kansas City-based Sullivan Higdon & Sink for Houlihan Restaurants, I Never is a drinking game (well, a virtual one in this case) where one person asks another ten questions and it spirals from there.

SHS's John January explains, saying, "Players can invite their friends to play I Never and can choose from questions we wrote or questions they make up themselves. Following on the heels of this email will be an invitation to play the game. Each time one of us chooses to submit answers the rest of us will be notified. You can wait for a couple of people to answer or you can watch as each person answers. Whatever floats your boat. The stories are optional but they make the game better."

more »

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Games, Good, Online

Baltica Sets Beers Astride Metro Poles


Genevieve at VLAN points us to this effort to win Baltica beer drinkers on the metro. Maybe we're delusional but there seems to be something totally sexual about the way the beers are perched. Like ... do they move?

by Angela Natividad    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla

Aw, Second-Lifers Can't Run Amock Anymore


The moment we heard somebody actually made money on Second Life, we knew it was only a matter of time before the smut trades came barging in, followed by regulations galore.

Linden Lab cracks down on casinos, and a source tells us their stock market's pretty much gone to bust.

Second Life is starting to sound a lot like first life. Nix the laggage and cool costumes, of course. The debate over which is actually worth living remains a personal preference.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Games, Online

Talking Socks, Mike and Mike Take on Athlete's Foot


MS&L Digital helped launch this weird new site called Get Your Game Feet On, a perhaps dead-on attempt at making Novartis' Lamisil AT Gel more jock friendly.

We weren't deeply moved by hosts Mike and Mike's feel-good product pushing (it's really hard to take feet seriously) but we kind of liked the hoop shot game and thought the talking socks were sort of funny. That is, until we remembered Lamb Chop and got really bummed out. It's not every day that your favourite talking sock dies.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Online

HBO Brings Sopranos Closer to Home


To promote their Sopranos DVDs, HBO gives us two spots entitled Pole and Hair.

Pushing the objective of "[Bringing] home the Sopranos -- permanently," spots include insider nods to the Badda Bing strip club and Paulie Walnut's skunky hairdo. They were directed by Harvest Films' Baker Smith for Venables, Bell & Partners, and edited by Phoenix Editorial & Designs.

Unless you're an avid Sopranos watcher you're probably going to be all "OMGWTFBBQ?!" That's okay, because that's part of why they're so funny. We often stare sadly up at our ceilings at night and wish we were born in the mob. Sure there's sporadic death and violence, but the mobsters' otherwise zany antics (oh, and piles and piles of black market money) seem to make decent compensation.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Television

Milk Earns Passionate Flair with Promolac


In lieu of your typical "Got Milk?" stint, Promolac ties milk to everyday passions. Who'd have guessed the stuff of cow udders could be sexy? Not us. Then again, sex and dairy aren't strangers, and it's definitely less "eh?" than this.

Put together by Eva of Santiago, Chile, the copy reads "I drink." Adpunch has more from the same campaign. The others aren't sexy, but they're pretty to look at, and we were getting tired of that bland family sitcom humour-type stuff people are always pulling to push milk.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Magazine

Ideocracy Brings Idiotic Non-Ads to Fox Ad Space


As of April 9 Fox aired its first non-ad-supported, non-promotional content, aimed at making commercial breaks more entertaining (and thus effective) advertising environments.

This all sounds lovely and nice but the result of this thought process is a series of 8-second bits starring a Greek-Lithuanian taxi driver named Oleg. Oleg is the pet project of Ted D'Cruz-Young, founder of firm Ideocracy, previously of Saatchi and Saatchi and BBDO.

Check out spots one and two. We're not that turned-on by them (dude reeks of Borat, except he's less funny) but hey, it's Fox, so maybe the world at large will sit riveted on their couches waiting for their next hit of the taximan-stereotype's confuzzling accent-ridden reverie.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Television