New Social Networking Site Victim of Boston-Style Marketing Stunt


Not that we need another but if you feel you simply don't have enough online personas, there's another place for you to place one, B4class. Created by 18-year old North Quicy, MA resident Sofia Loginova, the site's unfortunate claim to fame, to the chagrin of Loginova, will now be yet another Boston-based marketing stunt gone wrong even though Loginova had nothing to do with it. This morning, unattended backpacks were found in Newton North High School which prompted a Aqua Teen Hunger Force-style lock down until it was determined the backpacks contained only promotional references to Loginova's B4class.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 9-07    
Topic: Guerilla, Social

Doe-Eyed Kashmir Kids Gaze Longingly Out of Grocer Freezers


The people of Norway get a surprising little treat in the frozen section of their local grocery stores. This strategically-placed UNICEF poster is meant to raise awareness about the sub-zero living conditions of poor children in Kashmir. Copy reads, "The children of Kashmir are freezing" and the concept belongs to Dinamo Reklamebyra of Oslo, Norway.

We think the campaign is borderline clever but doubt it will inspire much emo checkbook-busting. At best it may just make Norwegian moms think twice about getting frozen pizza.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 9-07    
Topic: Poster, Social

PROMO Launches Advergame for Advertisers


Inspired by the menagerie of ad-smothered games, someone took it upon himself to go, "By gad - we should make ad games for advertisers!" This dangerous stream of thought yielded the PROMO Marketer's Challenge, a drably-coloured trivia challenge on the ad industry -- complete, of course, with ads.

The purpose of the game is to get talk out about PROMO magazine, which covers promotions and integrated marketing and is prepping for a relaunch. Redesign teasers are interspersed not-so-subtly throughout; in fact, we've played enough times to merit a free subscription CPM-wise. Are you listening, PROMO? Your SPREADS are engraved behind our EYELIDS.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 9-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Games, Online

Ads Framed, Animals Right, Adobe Creates, Gremlins Insure


- Here we go again with yet another million dollar homepage thingy. This time, companies can buy one frame, yes, one frame of a video for $39. It might be cheap but no one's gonna see it.

- All animal rights efforts don't have to be as in your face or as off-putting as PETA. Animal Rights Stand takes a very different approach.

- Adobe's got a cool new site promoting its Creative Suite 3. On the site you can use the tools and build an actual website. EVB created.

- Weird. Just weird. Gremlins in Progressive Direct commercials.

- Former FCB CEO Steve Blamer is now CEO of Creston, a UK marketing holding company.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 9-07    
Topic: Commercials, Tools, Video

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Commercial Ratings Could Eliminate Awards Shows


If you look at it honestly, advertising's sole purpose is to sell stuff. Forget all that crap about brand building because it's all the same thing. You build a brand so it connects with people so they are more inclined to buy from said brand. Advertising's purpose is not, despite what many would like to think, about winning rewards or creativity. Clio. Cannes. ADDY. One Show. Create. Webby. ADC. Andys. Irrelevant. You disagree and claim the winning of awards helps agencies win accounts? Fair enough but wrong.

What if we lived in a world where we knew exactly how well received our commercials were the second they aired? Well, if Nielsen and the rest of the industry can get their shit together, we may soon see that world. Commercial ratings have been much discussed over the last few years but scant progress has been made. Some half assed solutions have been put in place and even more half assed solutions have been suggested. Who wants half an ass when they cab have full on booty? Yea, we thought so.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 9-07    
Topic: Opinion, Research, Television, Trends and Culture

Jack Klues Kicks Compensation Ass


We know Jack Klues. We like Jack Klues. Jack Klues is a very nice guy. But we're certain Jack Klues has completely forgotten our brief, one year stint on the Starcom team...which is completely irrelevant to the news a recent salary report placed him third highest paid exec (and top paid media exec the world over) at Publicis and deservedly so. Can anyone argue the point Starcom is a media force to be reckoned with in this industry? No. Didn't think so. Say what you will about overpaid ad execs and there are plenty of their pompous asses out there but Jack is not one of them. Jack deserves every penny he earns.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 9-07    
Topic: Agencies, Trends and Culture