In Prison, It Pays to Have Insurance


We suppose the reason we like commercials from other countries so much is because we'd never see them here in the States. Whether it be differing politics, culture, humor or sexual openness, they're always different. Always fun to watch. That's the case with this Dutch commercial for insurance company Centraal Beheer which takes place inside a prison and shows the interplay between a seasoned guard and a rookie.

The thing ends in perfect hilarity but the whole premise is one we'd likely never see in the States simply because, shocker, it would be wrong, dammit, wrong to taunt the "residents" of a prison. The PC police would be all over this one.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Ford Pairs Fetuses and Fuel for Enviro-Friendly Campaign

Green is hot, with everybody from Lexus to New Belgium promoting environmental initiatives. To keep apace, Ford of Europe launches an interesting campaign to promote vehicles powered by Flexifuel, a fun little term for bio-ethanol.

Sentimentally pinned "For the Next Generation," the effort features images of "ecologically sensitive animals all on the verge of birth," using a motherly touch to remain anatomically correct and imagine the insides of mothers without actually invading animals to create them.

The work is lovely but there's something completely bizarre about using fetuses to sell fuel. Well, stranger pairings have happened. wryly notes it'll definitely win the hearts of Pro-Lifers.

The campaign kicks off in Sweden.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 7-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good

Xerox Promotes Cheap Colour Copies with Off-Colour Mania


We dig this new effort by Xerox to get relevant again. Leaping headfirst into Web 2.0, they launch Frugal Color, which encourages "[putting] the fun back into fundamental fiscal responsibility!" It also lends some wise advice -- you don't need to spend money to make money, you just need to look like you do.

To somehow illustrate that, Frugal Color includes a virtual goat, a diversion maker and an acronymator. Weird viral would-be's a la Office Space and The Office are also located at Extreme Offices. The video is so damn funny we watched it three times to get the full effect. (It is one of those nights.)

more »

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 7-07    
Topic: Good, Online

Macy's Deploys 'Brand Ambassadors' on College Conversion Mission


Macy's just launched a campaign designed to harness the power of WOM on eight campuses nationwide. The pilot brand is American Rag, and students are the vehicle.

American Rag enthusiasts were chosen as brand ambassadors to promote a contest at their respective schools. As they walk around all ragged-out, they encourage peers to design a print for the brand. The goal is to create foot traffic at Macy's stores located nearby.

If American Rag wants to succeed it would do well to change its name. There's already an American Eagle and an American Apparel, both of which pretty much own the niche Macy's is shooting for.

Plus, something about it makes us think along the lines of Jordache, Mossimo and other hopeful big-brands now confined to big boxes.

But hey, in the end the co-eds will decide.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 7-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Word of Mouth

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