Microsoft Wakes Slumbering New Yorkers, Residents Lash Out


Feel like showcasing your marketing savvy with a public guerilla campaign? Post-Boston, be careful - The People are sensitive of late.

At least that's what Microsoft's discovering with its recent ground-floor attempt to push the Zune.

A blast of music from the tricked-out Zune-mobile sparked sleep-deprived residents in Lower East Side Manhattan, not to drop their iPods, but to seek restitution on a scathing site called Wake Up Microsoft.

To start with, they sarcastically thank the big blue company for their "noise terrorism." Noise terrorism? Is that anything like Lite-Brite terrorism? While Microsoft deserves a wrist-slap for thinking they could start a spontaneous block party, this certainly isn't the only shockwave of moody distaste they've inadvertently triggered lately.

Update: Cliczune's post on the Zune SUV includes the comment of at least one user who wouldn't mind being jarred out of sleep at 3 AM by the system's impressive clarity.

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (2)     File: Bad, Brands, Guerilla, Promotions     Mar- 2-07  
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Apparently it was done w/out Microsoft's knowledge or authorization. Maybe a guerrilla attempt by M$ opponents to generate negative publicity?

Posted by: daveednyc on March 2, 2007 01:27 PM

Goes to show who the demographic is in the lower deck is these days.

Posted by: Edward on March 5, 2007 12:41 PM

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