Hoard the Hangovers, SXSW Interactive Kicks Off


First in a series of articles by Ariel Waldmen covering the famed SXSW Interactive Show in Austin.

South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive kicked off on Friday with a panel dedicated to "pop the cherries of the SXSW virgins". The How to Rawk SXSW panel was headed up by a variety of familiar names and faces, including Min Jung Kim (Photobucket), Glenda Bautista (Agendacide), Tantek Celik (Technorati), Nick Douglas (Look Shiny, formerly Valleywag), Andrew Huff (Gapers Block), Lynne d Johnson (fastcompany), and our friend Tony Pierce (LAist). Sharing swigs out of a bottle of Jack Daniel's the panelists calmed the crowd's expectations.

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by Ariel Waldman    Mar-10-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Southwest Tubes, Dial Takes on Axe, Rachael Does Dunkin'


- Look! Look! Another YouTube video contest turns into an ad campaign! This time it's Southwest Airlines who's awarding the winner of its December contest with placement during NBA playofs in April. Are you just oozing with anticipation?

- Dial thinks it can get a piece of Axe's body spray action with the introduction of its RX Bodyspray. While Brandweek's Constantine von Hoffman thinks Axe's advertising has been "highly sophomoric," we'd choose to categorize it as highly successful. Dial has an uphill battle on this front.

- Eesh. Now we have to endure Rachael Ray in Dunkin' Donuts ads...through 2010!

- Massachusetts retailer Jordan's Furniture is offering a full refund to anyone who buys furniture before April 16 if the Red Sox win the World Series.

by Steve Hall    Mar-10-07    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Video

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