Burger Fuel Says Have a White Christmas ... with 330 Grams of Coke


Ana at Spare Room is none too thrilled by indie restaurant Burger Fuel's shot at viral notoriety, but we admit we were amused in a dark sort of way.

Order the White Christmas combo for 330 grams of Coke - that's right, Coke. In a cup, not on a mirror. Don't be fooled by the razorblades in the viral or the powder-dipped $100 bill in the ad - neither are actually included. We'd shake our heads and go, "Oh how trashy," but then again, we're the home country of Hooters, which isn't exactly a conservative haunt either. And anyway, any restaurant Pablo Escobar admonishes us to visit must be okay.

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (1)     File: Packaging, Promotions, Racy, Video     Dec-20-06  
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This is some chain in New Zealand or something, right? And is that supposed to be a burger in the shot or tired looking chicken? And repeatedly on their site they say they offer, "healthy" and "wholesome" alternatives to fast food. Then they have this coke-fest ad. Proves that the rest of the world doesn't have a fucking clue what a real burger is.

Posted by: daveednyc on December 20, 2006 03:00 PM

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