Politico Burglared, Philips Buys College Ball, Ketel One Goes Subliminal
- It's political ads like this that make us realize why an increasing amount of people don't vote.
- Following up on its 60 Minutes ad buyout a couple years ago Philips has purchased all the ad time on this Saturday's Texas-Oklahoma State college football game on TBS. Some o the time will be used for ads. The other time will be given back to TBS for additional programming during the game.
- London agency with German lineage Scholz and Friends asks visitors to weblog to not mention the war.
- London agency Cake is hosting a contest for people to decide the title of the next Young Bond book.
- Ketel One wants you to find the subliminal messaging in its ad. Hmm. We know there's a message in there somewhere.
- Xbox360 game Gears of War gets sidewalk graffiti treatment in San Francisco.
- Beginning November 13, the Lexus 460 Degrees Gallery in New York (461 5th Avenue) will feature automotive-inspired works of art and music.
- New York's Spanish language Univision 41 (WXTX) bested all other New York TV stations during its news programs Tuesday, October 31 at 6PM and 6:30PM.
- The Poor Bastard offers up commentary on the P. Diddy "Vote or Die" thing in relation to AC360 and Iraq.
- The Minority Forum, in this Duval Guillaume-created commercial, wonders if all immigrants have to become soccer stars just to be accepted.
- Someone's had a bit of fun with that Dove Beauty video and turned it into a warning message about how, with the increased consumption of beer, women get better and better looking.
- In this spot for the Citroen C6, original Bond Sean Connery drives around while getting yonger and younger.
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