ad:tech New York Exhibitors Drink, Miami Show Announced


It took a while but finally many of the ad:tech New York exhibitors setting up for the November 6-8 show dropped their crates, carpets and booth paraphernalia long enough to join the Exhibitor Party put on for them by conference organizer DMG Worldwide. It was well attended and the free drinks seemed to be well appreciated after a long day of exhibit hall set up. The dry, mostly fried, room temperature hors douvres where another story entirely but that's par for the course with Hilton food.

Anyway, DMG VP Don Knox welcomed the exhibitors and premiere sponsors Advertising Age and Casale Media among others and announced DMG would be introducing a new ad:tech Miami show in June 2007. It's our chance to meet all those fine, upstanding Boca Raton interactive marketing companies up close and in person. Kidding aside, the show will focus on Latin American marketing as well as carry on the general theme interactive marketing theme of the current shows.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (0)     File: Industry Events     Nov- 5-06  
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