In a poster campaign for Moog Music, the company's ability to digitally re-produce real world sound with its effects technologies is visually represented in a poster campaign which "plugs" Moog technology into original sounds emanating from a sizzling sausage, the crack of a billiard ball, snapping bubble gum and the sound of breaking china. See all the posters here.
Oxfam America has launched an online gift catalog called Oxfam America Unwrapped on which atypical donations such as a camel, goats, sanitations systems, coffee mills and cows can be made. Each person who makes a donation receives a card representing their donation and the money goes to Oxfam America to fund its worldwide efforts. It's a nice representation of what donations can actually achieve.
Underscore Marketing President Tom Hespos, at the recent New York ad:tech conference, interviewed PayPerPost representative Britt Gustafson. PayPerPost has sparked a bit of a controversy since its launch four months ago because it pays bloggers to write positive stories about marketers without requiring bloggers to disclose which stories on their blog are PayPerPost stories and that they have received money to write them. Personally, we think it's a terribly shameful business model and one that will cause much harm to the already struggling trust level of bloggers. Give the interview a read and we'd love to hear your thoughts.