McDonald's Promotion Serves Up Virus-Infected MP3 Players
As part of a McDonald's Japan promotion, the burger giant, along with Coke, gave away 10,000 MP3 players to those who purchased specially marked cups of Coke. Unfortunately, the MP3 players were infested with QQPass, a piece of spyware, that, once connected to people's PCs, allowed hackers access to passwords and other personal information. McDonald's issued a public apology and a recall for the infected MP3 players. It's unclear whether the company made any restitution for any data lost by those who were infected.
jeez, you got all the news i had yesterday ;-)
yeah but u waited till today to post it
Caffeine, while you're having fun trashing Adrants for getting a few items a few seconds late, your story today on Toohey's beer is over 2.5 years old. Nobody's perfect. We all get some things quickly and we all gets some things late. It's pointless to taunt each other over it. That's no way to build love for your site.
Who says McDonald's doesn't know how to do a virus, er, viral?
[...] via adrants [...]
"You deserve a break(in) today..."
talking bout mcdonald's i want to know if anyone can help me out. I really want to know what techniques mcdonal use to maintain communication between its different restaurants and operations throughout the world? and is it designed as a bureaucracy?
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