Jay-Z Gets Tapped as Anheuser-Busch's New Brand Guy
Hoping hip-hop will sip a Bud instead of the infamous Cris to get pissy-pissy, Anheuser-Busch appoints Jay-Z co-brand director for his "unique spin" on existing ideas and to participate in a few high-profile events. Considering the last beer to get name-dropped in rap was Corona in 2004, Busch could probably do with some help from the formerly retired artist. Just don't smile at him wrong. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
Bud is an old brand with an old taste. this is like the old guy in the club trying to act young. too late. Bud's alwas been the "grown up, all-american guy" beer.
Now it wants to be in the hood where outcasts grow up to make good on the american dream?
sure, pass me one, i'll buy this. and so will ever other brother/sister.. because Auggie has always been soooo down.
u drink beer you like, you vibe off of beer brands than vibe off of you.
they need to figure out a way to be relevant to the drinkers they've always cared about, not the ones whose money they want just because theire core audience ain't checkin' for their heavy-ass dry tasting beer like it's 1985.
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