Humans Kill the Earth...Well...In An Animated Video They Do
glossy's Shannon Stephaniuk tells us this little video from Three Legged Legs was named Best Animation Tuesday night at the Global Student Animation Awards. Intentionally or unintentionally, the video mirrors a children's book, the name of which we can't place right now The Lorax, and illustrates how dirty mankind chews up the earth's resources until nothing is left and then moves on to its next target.
dr.seuss - the lorax perhaps?
perhaps, but still done tastefully.
While I support the idea of living green and making clear how our collective decisions impact the environment, that animation felt very heavy handed. The converted already know it and the uninformed aren't likely to think deeply and change because they've been portrayed as murderous, filthy, evil, uncaring hobgoblins.
I still think it's cute, whether it's heavyhanded or not... it may not make anyone reconsider, but it's a pretty realistic depiction (IMHO).
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