Bleary-Eyed Best Buy Web Developer Hits Wrong Letter On Keyboard
Web Developers for online retailers have a tough job. While working on a car dealer account and dealing with all the minutia that has to appear in each week's Sunday newspaper ad may seem grueling, that's nothing compared to the minute by minute and second by second changes that must made to a large retailer's site such as Best Buy. It seems when Michael Shostack did a search for a Sony Cybershot 7.2, the returned results were hardly what was expected. Yes, the "i" is right next to the "o" on the keyboard which explains this error but, all the same, it's still funny to see certain words on major retailer's site. It brings new meaning to the phrase "shot to shit." See the screenshot and a video of the action here since you know this little typo will quickly be corrected.
meh ... what else is new?
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