Benny Benassi Bootie Babes Transformed Into Home Depot Ad
Not that it's likely we'll ever see women like this in an actual Home Depot but It looks like someone took our advice of of three years ago and went ahead and turned that Benny Benassi "Satisfaction" video into an ad by slapping the Home Depot logo on it along with some price and item graphics. It would certainly heat up Home Depot's image but, for some reason, we think they'll pass of this one. Get your jiggle-fest here.
Tags: Home Depot Benny Benassi
Psssst. Way to miss the boat, guys. How weird that it got linked exactly a year later, though.
Hey, this thing has been floating around for a couple of years now. Still, BRILLIANT camera work. Dotcha think?
"You can do it - we can help" takes on a whole new meaning, doesn't it?
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