Verizon Beatbox Unleashes Dunkin' Frustration
Sort of like creating a Honda Choir spot on your own, Verizon has launched Beatbox Mixer, a site, created by R/GA, that lets you combine various beatbox clips along with videos of the artists "performing" to support Verizon's "Richer, Deeper, Broader" broadband push. If one is so inclined, one can use the site's tools to create a customized, full blown sound and video extravaganza to play for one's grandmother who will then look at said creator like some sort of gastrointestinal alien was emanating from the bowels of said creator's stomach and quickly call the ambulance thereby calling into question the purpose for creating the thing in the first place.
WTF? Where did that whole grandma thing come from? Who writes this crap? Anyway, we're sure this will appeal the the creative types out there who assume they, like Ashlee Simpson, can slide into fame's limelight on the coat tails of other's talent. And whoa! Where did that nastiness come from? Hmm. Oh wait. It must have been that morning trip to Dunkin where we had our "America Runs on Dunkin" latte and were C blocked from angling our way into a conversation with the beautiful, tiny but oh-so-plentiful up top beauty standing next to us in line.
Tags: Verizon Dunkin
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