Golf Course Designed In Orbitz Game


Travel site Orbitz has launched Orbitz Games, a community site on which people can help Orbitz build an 18-hole golf course by designing a golf hole and voting on those designed by others. By designing and voting, people can win airfare for two to anywhere in the U.S. It's sponsored by Golfsmith Golf & Tennis.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-06    
Topic: Games, Good, Online

Truth Ads Continue Stupid Streak, Katherine Harris Spoofed


- Two guys are following England around Germany as the 'Unofficial' Coca-cola mascots and reporting back to fans via their video blog.

- Here's a little Aussie viral for a roadside assistance company that puts a twist on on asking mom and Dad to use their car.

- Here's the third installment of the incredibly stupid Truth campaign in which the guy with the goofy hair calls attentions to jogging, M&M's and smoking addiction. It's just not working.

- Walking in on your hottie having sex with a bunch of other guys and not flinching is a poker face would appreciate.

- Katherine Harris' U.S. Senate Campaign is getting some seriously hilarious spoof treatment and is racking up tons of views in the Huffington Post Contagious Viral contest.

- Here's what Aussies do to promote cricket in London.

- More Nike Joga Bonita fun.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Online, Viral

Debauchery Laden Cannes Pictures Wanted


Cannes is now officially one big advertising industry inside joke. We all want to go but we all know it's an idiotic event and just an excuse to party and drink on the company's tab. Campaign magazine is celebrating this industry debauchery with Cannes Private View, a promotion they teamed with DDB London to create. The promotion calls for delegates at Cannes to send in mobile photos from the festival. Those not fortunate enough to attend the festival can visit the site, look at the images and add captions. People can also register at the site to have Cannes updates sent to their phones three times each day.

Now we know you've all seen the picture of Donny Deutsch in a bikini. That's pretty tame compared to what we know those of you there can dig up for this promotion so don't go anywhere without your cell phone. And don't just send your pictures to Campaign. Send them to us too!

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-06    
Topic: Industry Events

Lynx to Unleash Billions of Babes With Bouncing Boobs In Bikinis


Lynx is promoting its latest online stunt called Billions of Bikini Babes which will, apparently, air in the UK at 7:25PM on ITV1 just prior to the England versus Sweden football game. The trailer promises bikinis, babe, beaches and one guy that looks like he's in bikini nirvana.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Television

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Dodge Says Shiloh Is Anything But Cute


Beyond "far forward right hand page," most media people don't give a crap where their print ads appear in a magazine. Apparently, Chrysler's Mark Spencer does and he jumped, when called by People magazine, at the opportunity to place an ad next to the article about Brad Pit and Angelina Jolie's baby Shiloh. While the placement itself is a great one, the headline of the Dodge Caliber ad, "It's Anything But Cute," makes it one of the better ad placement juxtapositions in recent memory. Forgive the insane LeftlaneNews brandapalooza and baby facial coverage on the image. Why even botther? The image is already out there the world over.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Magazine

Sidewalk Marketer Calls Attention to Human Rights


While in New York for the BDI Online conference called Web Video Goes Mainstream, I was on my way to meet a friend for lunch and on the way, I was approached by a guy representing The Human Rights Campaign, an organization that "envisionas an America where gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgenderpeople are insured of their basic equal rights." To fund the organization, he, of course, was trying to get people to donate. While I might donate, I told him I'd be happy to give a worthy cause some publicity. So here it is. Street marketer calls attention to equal rights for all.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla

Naked Women Are Not Always An Exciting Thing


Usually when a crowd sees a naked woman running across a football field, it's an amusingly pleasant site. That's initially the case in this spot but once the woman is dragged off the field, it becomes apparent she isn't there by choice and neither are thousands of women and girls who are trafficked to Germany during the World Cup for prostitution. A strong message.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Bob Garfield Picks Cannes Winners


Bob Garfield is over at Cannes having a great time but, at that same time, realizing its days as an industry event are numbered. Of course, no one over there on an all expenses paid trip wants to talk about that. All they want to talk about are cool TV spots. Bob thinks the Guinness Noitulove" ad should win the Grand Prix. That's that ad that follows three guys moving backwards in time from barstools to per-historic water's edge ending with "Good things come to those who wait." We'd agree. It's good. Bob does mention Carlton Draught's Big Ad which we think is just a bit more fun and, perhaps because of its inside joke-filled attitude, more of a favorite for us. Anyway, none of this matters. "Regular" know, those people called "consumers"...don't have a clue what Cannes is nor would they if they knew what it was. It's all just one big self-congratulatory slap on the back. A waste of time. However, we can't wait until the Adrants T&E budget can afford to send us.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-06    
Topic: Industry Events