Art Exhibit Created From Stolen Outdoor Ad Structures
New York artist Jordan Seller has created a PublicAdCampaign gallery consisting of outdoor advertising frames he "removed" from various areas in the city to create a statement against the proliferation of outdoor advertising and to "reclaim public advertising space form commercial forces." In a statement, Seiler said, "New York City's public environment is a carnival of commercial influences and private concerns. Each step brings new desires and unwanted needs. By replacing public advertising with artwork, PublicAdCampaign temporarily alleviates a fraction of this burden while attempting to cultivate more personal interactions between public individuals." He's got a point. See his work here.
He had me until "unwanted needs."
Somebody throw a net over this guy...thats my phone booth!
point or no point, he's still a theif....
point or no point, he's still a thief....
You call Jordan Seller's work art? The advertising is more attractive! He's a vandal and a thief. It's a poor showing.
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