Art Director Offers Book to Aspiring Creatives on ebay


In what would surely be called plagiarism in any other kind of book, an art director is selling his spec book to any aspiring creative to use in getting a job. Midwest creative Craig Ferrence has placed his book up on eBay and is offering it to anyone outside the U.S. Ferrence has posted a bit of the work on the eBay site which might cause anyone who happened to see it and then see it again while interviewing a potential candidate to wonder what's up. So if you're hiring in the near future and didn't happen to see the eBay auction, we have all the work here for you to check if you think you are looking at a suspect book while interviewing someone.

Aside from that and with no need for the work, Ferrence is just out to make a buck or two from some lazy ass creative who can't muster enough creativity to build their own body of work. Of course, the whole thing could just be some weird stunt.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (2)     File: Agencies, Bad     May- 2-06  
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I'm not an art director, but this book is nothing special. Why would someone buy this book and pass the work off as their own?

Posted by: Ben Richards on May 2, 2006 11:30 PM

My buddy is an ACD at an agency here in LA, and he told me that he looked through this guy's book. He said that it was a pretty good book and that what is listed on the site is only about 15% of his total book.

This leads me to believe that this is an PR attempt to get people interested in seeing more of his work. Actually, I think it's pretty clever. Especially if it lands him a job.

I'd definitely submit it to the award shows as a self-promo piece... again, depending on the results.

Posted by: Mike Battalini on May 3, 2006 12:21 AM

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