Design Studio Pits Young Guns Against Old Ones


Somebody, Jeremy Abbett according to Whois, went out and created a site that pits the large holding companies (Old Ones) against the independents (Young Guns). Lining up fpr the Old Ones are WPP, Dentsu, Omnicom, Publicis and Interpublic. Stepping on the field for the Young Ones are W+K, CP+B, Naked, Mother and Strawberry Frog. It's a game of strength as the Young Guns hurl media bombs (TV, Print, Net and WOM) at the business-suited Old Guns hoping to eradicate their asses from the world. While it's funny, it's also a pretty clear representation of what's going on in the ad agency world right now.

As it turns out, Jeremy Abbett is a partner at Truth Dare Double Dare, a design studio that probably hopes to eradicate the world of both Young Guns and Old Guns so it can take over all creation of the earth's marketing.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (1)     File: Agencies, Good, Online, Promotions     Apr-10-06  
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Unless they plan on giving some real value to advertisers, buying a brick on this crap is like shooting a brick on a basketball court..long, high, flat, and lands you nothing.

Posted by: John on April 11, 2006 02:33 PM

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